Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab > Analysis Fields field group >

Reserve Effective (MM-DD)

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab > Analysis Fields field group >

Reserve Effective (MM-DD)

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Entry: User, date

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNANAL

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab


Use this field to indicate when this account should have reserve analysis processed for their reserves. Once reserves are processed, the system sends all information to the Loans > Check Printing > Reserve Checks screen, where you can print notices; print reserve disbursement checks to insurance companies; print refund checks; print a remittance form; and other reserve information.


Additionally, you can download and print statements to send to your customers notifying them of reserve payment projections using the Reserve Analysis Statement (FPSRP339). For more information on this statement and report, see Reserve Analysis Statement (FPSRP339) and Reserve Analysis Report (FPSRP339) on DocsOnWeb.


All loans with the same reserve effective date will be included in the same annual analysis. This field corresponds with the For Reserve Analysis Effective Date of field on the Reserve Analysis Options screen.


If the loan Due Date Day is changed, this reserve effective date day will change to match the Due Date Day. This field can be changed manually, but the reserve effective date day must match the Due Date Day or else the system will display an error message and prevent saving changes until the error is corrected.


WARNING: Any loan without data in this field will not be analyzed. Also, certain hold codes or the Skip Analysis field will stop loans from being analyzed.


WARNING: If the Reserve Effective field is blank and you use payment coupons, the system treats this date as 02-01 and uses that date to stop/start coupons.


Note: Two options on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis Options screen may affect when reserve payments are made:

If you select the the Use Paid Date Instead of Expiration option, the system will use the Pay Date instead of the Expiration Date for when the system processes reserve analysis payments. The Anticipated Payments section and the Payment Effective Date on the Reserve Analysis Statement will both use the Pay Date.

If the Use Relative Effective Date option is selected, the Payment Effective Date of the reserve analysis will be the next due date after the Reserve Effective date. However, if the Due Date and Reserve Effective dates are the same (which is usually the case), then the Payment Effective Date will be the same. The Payment Effective Date is reflected on the Reserve Analysis Statement (FPSRP339).


Note: This field must contain data when the <Show Annual Analysis Dates> button is clicked; otherwise, an error message will be displayed.


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