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P/I Payment field group

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P/I Payment field group

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The P/I Payment field group on the ARM Detail tab of the ARM Information screen contains principal and interest (P/I) payment information for the account. Place your cursor in any of the fields in this field group and press <F1> to view the help concerning that field.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Current/Next P/I



These fields are file maintainable on the ARM Rates & P/I Tables tab. The Current P/I is the portion of the regular payment that is divided between the amount to interest and the amount to principal. The Next P/I is the portion of the regular payment that is divided between the amount to interest and the amount to principal for the next P/I payment. (This field will be blank if it has not been calculated.)

Next P/I Change Date


Mnemonic: LNPIEF

This is the payment due date for the new P/I. It is the date the next P/I replaces the current P/I. This field is used in conjunction with the Next P/I field above. Enter the date using MMDDYYYY format, or use the drop-down calendar to select the date. See below for more information.


P/I Change Frequency


Mnemonic: LNAMPC

This field contains the frequency on which the P/I will change on this loan. It should be entered in months. If the P/I is supposed to change annually, “12” would be entered in this field. Enter "6"  for semi-annual changes; "1" for monthly changes.

Days Before P/I Change


Mnemonic: LNAMID

This field contains the number of days prior to the P/I change date you want the new P/I to be calculated. You can use either 30 day months or actual number of days in the month. See below for more information.


P/I Rate Pointer


Mnemonic: LNRPTR

Select the P/I index rate pointer to be used for this account. Index rate pointers and descriptions are institution-defined and entered on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Interest Rate Table screen.


This field controls the rate at which the P/I is to be calculated. The rate pointer entered in this field should be the same as that entered in the Index Rate Pointer field on this screen unless the P/I payment should be calculated on a different rate than the loan is accruing.



Note: The P/I rate pointer will use the Lifetime Maximum Rate Cap and Lifetime Minimum Rate Cap fields when a new rate is calculated. However, if the accrual rate pointer and the P/I rate pointer are different indexes, then the P/I rate pointer does not use the periodic rate cap fields.

Next P/I Rate


Mnemonic: LNAMNI

This field contains the rate on which the next P/I was calculated. This field is only informational. File maintenance to this field will not affect the P/I calculations.


If there has been one or more P/I change calculations and the loan is delinquent, the system will find the accrual rate that was in effect at the time of the P/I calculation and use that rate, along with any margin or cap limits, to calculate the Next P/I Rate. This will only happen if the month of the accrual rate calculation is the same as the month of the P/I calculation.



Note: New P/I calculations that are not coordinated with a rate change will not use periodic or lifetime cap limits.

Calculate Next P/I With Rate Change


Mnemonic: MLUSNR

When this box is checked, each time a new rate is calculated, a new P/I will also be calculated, based on the rate change date. This field would generally be used for daily simple interest loans (payment method 6 with Use ARM Fields box checked below) that have annual payments, annual rate, and P/I changes. See below for more information.


Use ARM Fields


Mnemonic: LNRTSN

This field will only be file maintainable if the loan is a daily simple interest (payment method 4 or 6). It is used for creating scheduled rate changes on simple interest loans. The default value is unchecked, which indicates that the ARM fields will not be used. If this field is checked, the system will act like this is an ARM loan (payment method 7). It is from these fields that scheduled rate changes are created. Even though you may access the ARM fields, the system will still use the simple interest calculations for the loan.

First Due Date


Mnemonic: LN1DUE

This is the date the first payment on the loan is due. It is used with the P/I change date and the statement option. File maintenance to this file is done on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen.

Initial Notice Date


Mnemonic: M1ITDT

The Initial Notice Date field controls if and when an Initial Rate Change Notices (FPSRP314) will be generated. In addition, a loan must be a payment method 7, or a payment method 6 with the Use ARM Fields field above checkmarked and the General Category 1-39. See below for more information.


Statement Option field group


Mnemonic: MLTRMY

The Calculate & Display Optional Year P/I on Bill/Receipt field in this field group stores the number of years to be used for the optional P/I to be displayed on the Bill and Receipt (FPSRP003). A message on the statement shows an optional P/I that would amortize the loan on a shorter term than the contractual term. Open the link below for more information.


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