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Per State Renewal Regulations

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Per State Renewal Regulations

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For loans that are paid off for the purposes of opening a new loan (renewal loans), this help topic explains account renewal specifications for Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia (VA is new as of 01/01/2021).


For a loan to be considered as a renewal, the Renewal/Pro-rate box on the Balances tab of the Payoff screen must be checked. The system will automatically make these calculations for you and reflect the calculations in the Accrued Interest and Payoff Amount fields after you check the Renewal/Pro-rate box. See the Renew/Pro-rate field description for examples and further explanation.


Additionally, the system reads the state where the loan was originated from the State Code field (LTSTCD), which can be found on the Loans > Statistics & Summary > Tax & Statistics screen.






hmtoggle_arrow1North Carolina


hmtoggle_arrow1Virginia (new as of 01/17/2020)

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