Navigation:  Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Loan Investor Fields Screen > Investor Loan Basics tab >

Investor Account Number

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Loan Investor Fields Screen > Investor Loan Basics tab >

Investor Account Number

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Entry: User, numeric, 15 digits

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNIACT

Screen: Loans > Investor Reporting > Loan Investor Fields > Investor Loan Basics tab


Use this field to indicate the account number by which investors refer to the customer loan on their system.


If "FNMA" or “FHLMC" is entered in the Investor Identifier field on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Investor Master screen, the system will display an online error message if a valid investor account number does not exist for this loan (or if the investor loan number is an incorrect size).

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