Navigation:  Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Investor Master Screen > Investor Information tab >

Investor Identifier

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Investor Master Screen > Investor Information tab >

Investor Identifier

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Entry: User, drop-down list

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: IMIDE

Screen: Loans > Investor Reporting > Investor Master > Investor Information tab


Use this field to identify the investor being created/edited. Possible selections in this field are:


GNMA (Ginnie Mae)

FNMA (Fannie Mae)

FHLMC (Freddie Mac)





Norwest Securitization


*This selection necessitates the use of the Residential Funding field group.


** Note: SBA 1502 Reports are created only if “SBA” is selected in this field. All loans tied to the investor master will appear on the report. Refer to SBA 1502 Monthend Report in the Loan Reports manual on DocsOnWeb for more information.

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