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Coupon/Bill Code

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Coupon/Bill Code

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Mnemonic: LNBILL


Click the list icon jump to the right of this field in the Statements and Coupons field group to view a list of codes that indicate whether to print billing as coupons or bill and receipt and who the coupon vendor is. In addition to the system-defined coupon formats available for selection in the Coupon/Bill Code field, institution-defined coupon formats can be set up on the Loans > Coupons > Coupon Format Setup screen. Institution Option SCPB must be enabled for the coupon printing feature to be available.


If you are using GOLDPoint Systems coupons, you have a choice of using either preprinted coupons or coupons printed on GOLDPoint Systems's laser printer. However, coupons for bill code 16 can only be printed on GOLDPoint Systems's laser printer. For examples of coupons, see Ordering Coupons. The available codes are:


Code, Creates, Program



Print to a Combined Statement (payment method 5 overdraft only)



Note: The loan number must also be entered in the Combined Statement system. (For setup requirements, see Note after the coupon samples below.)

001, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupons with payment breakdown on left side, no late charge

002, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupon without payment breakdown, no late charge

003*, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupon with payment breakdown on left side and late charge message shown

004, Coupon, FPSRP022

Modified type coupon


No longer applicable

006, Transmission, FPSRP063

Rocky Mountain tape

007, Transmission, FPSRP063

Deluxe tape

008**, Transmission, FPSRP063

Payment Technology tape

009***, Transmission, FPSRP063

National Computer Print (Both Triangle Systems and FISERV use the NCP format.)

010****, Statement, FPSRP099

Payment method 5 billing statement (FPSRP099)

011, Statement, FPSRP316

Free format statement (FPSRP316)

012, Coupon, FPSRP022

Distribution – Blank payment stub

013, Transmission, FPSRP063

Allison Payment Systems tape

014, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupon with payment breakdown on right side, no late charge

015*, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupon without payment breakdown, but with late charge message shown

016, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupon without payment breakdown, but with late charge message. Total of payment plus late charge is also shown and payment stub is on the left side (only on GOLDPoint Systems's laser printer).

017, Coupon, FPSRP022

Standard GOLDPoint Systems coupon without payment breakdown including late charge and the first four lines of the advertising message. The maximum number of characters per line is 42 characters of advertising message.

018****, Statement, FPSRP296

Payment method 5 Laser Statement Consumer (has regulatory disclosures).

020*****, Statement, FPSRP316

Laser bill and receipt statements, payment methods 0, 6, and 7 (variable or cycled.)

021, Statement, FPSRP180

Consumer Bill and Receipt (FPSRP180)

025^, Statement, FPSRP194

Commercial Statement with History

026^, Statement, FPSRP194

Commercial Statement without History

030, Statement, FPSRP322

Revolving Line-of-Credit Statement (FPSRP322) as an e-statement or as a file sent to SourceLink for Payment Method 5 line-of-credit loans


* Coupons 003 and 015 print the message, "If payment not received within..." at the bottom of the coupon. If more than 4 lines of name and address are used, the message will be skipped because there is not enough room left on the notice to print the message. Coupons 001 and 002 will not print late payment information on the notice.


** Coupon 008 has five name and address lines—two lines for the name, two lines for the street address, and one line for the city and state.


*** Coupon 009 - National Computer Print uses transmissions via phone lines rather than tapes. The transmissions are created on the same cycle as the tapes.


**** Coupons 10 and 18 - If the loan is connected to a CDT sweep account (loan transfer), the sweep does not include interest–it only pays the principal portion. Interest should be billed in the regular billing statement. (Note: Be sure you set up the loan to create a bill and receipt or auto pay.) See the Deposits > Customer Directed Transfers screen for more information.


***** Coupon 020 - This statement can be created on a cycle or variable basis. To have the statement cycle each month on a specific date, enter code 20 in the Coupon/Bill Code field and the applicable cycle date code (200-230 or 250) in the Coupon/Bill Cycle field. To have the statement created based on the date the payment is posted, enter code 20 in the Coupon/Bill Code field, but leave the Coupon/Bill Cycle field blank.


^ Payment methods 9 and 10 can only use bill codes 25 and 26.



Note: To combine a loan and checking statement:


1.The Deposit system requires an overdraft feature on the account;

2.The loan due date must be the same as the checking cycle;

3.Coupon/Bill Code must be "000;"

4.Coupon/Bill Cycle must be "200;"

5.Statement Code must show the statement format to print;

6.Must be set up through the Combined Statement application;

7.* Finance Charge Code on the Loans > Line-of-Credit Loans screen > Finance Charge Information tab must be "000."


For more information on ordering coupons, see Ordering Coupons.


See also:

Coupon/Bill Cycle

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