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Comparison list view

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Comparison list view

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This list view displays information about projected payments to and from reserves on the customer loan account. Information for this table is taken from reserve analyses posted on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis screen when <Post Analysis & Save Projection> is clicked.


The columns in this list view are as follows:



This column displays the month of the loan payments. The first month represents the beginning of the analysis period (the month the new reserve payment begins).


Projected Payments To Reserve

This column displays the amount to be paid each month to reserve accounts. This is a total of the reserve 1 and reserve 2 monthly payments, unless you are excluding reserve 2 from the analysis. This amount is determined by adding all reserve disbursements for the year and dividing that amount by the loan payment frequency.


Projected Payments From Reserve

This column displays the total amount to be disbursed from reserve accounts each month. This is a total from reserve 1 and reserve 2 disbursements, unless you are excluding reserve 2 from the analysis. The amounts are pulled from the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail screen.



This column displays a description of the accompanying line item.


Projected Reserve Balance

This column displays a running balance of the projected reserve balance after loan payments would be received and reserve disbursements are disbursed for both reserve 1 and reserve 2, unless you are excluding reserve 2 from the analysis. This is the amount that would be in the customer loan account at monthend.


The first projected amount is an adjusted reserve balance based on whether the loan due date month is for the current month, in the future, or in the past.


If the due date month is the same as the analysis date, the projected balance would be the reserve balance minus any disbursements due to be made that month.


If the due date month is ahead of the analysis date, the system subtracts from the Projected Reserve Balance the monthly reserve payment for each month until it reaches the analysis date. Nothing is done with disbursements.


If the due date month is in the past, the system adds the monthly reserve payment amount to the Projected Reserve Balance for each month until it reaches the analysis date. Nothing is done with disbursements.


Comparison Required:

This column displays what the reserve balance should be, based on the cushion selected on the Options, Limits, & Loan Fields tab of the Reserve Analysis screen. One month should always be equal to zero, 1-month cushion, or 2-month cushion. This column is used to determine the surplus or shortage. Any amount higher or lower than the selected cushion would represent the surplus or shortage. For example: If the monthly reserve payment is $100.00 and you use a 2-month cushion (which would be $200.00) and the amount in the “projected” column is $250.00, you would have a surplus of $50.00 because the low balance cannot be higher than the 2-month cushion $200.00, which would be displayed in this column.


Click any column header to organize the list view by that column's information type.

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