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Third Party ACH Deposit Translation Error Messages

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Third Party ACH Deposit Translation Error Messages

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Certain error messages can appear on the Deposits > Definitions > Third Party ACH Deposit File Account Translation screen. These error messages are explained here.


Unable to read the records (FPXR) from the host computer! - This means that the screen could not load or refresh the list of records due to an unforeseen error.


Unable to get account status information for any accounts - This means that the screen could not load account owner and status information for the translation records due to an unforeseen error.


Error getting the account status for account - This means that the screen was unable to load the account status for a specific account. The statuses for other accounts might have loaded successfully.


Error getting the owner for account - This means that the screen was unable to load the account owner for a specific account. The owners for other accounts might have loaded successfully.


The account translation for old number could not be set. Unable to determine if the account translation is already on file - This means that the attempt to add or update an account translation failed during the attempt to determine if the translation already existed.


The account translation for old number could not be set. The account translation is already on file - This means that the attempt to add or update an account translation failed because the translation already exists.


The account translation for old number could not be set. The account translation is already on file and cannot be edited by a bank employee. Please contact your banking consultant for assistance in altering this account translation - This means that the attempt to add or update an account translation failed because the translation already exists.


The account translation for old number could not be set. Unable to determine if the account translation is already on file as another account type - This means that the attempt to add or update an account translation failed during the attempt to determine if the translation already existed as another account type (Checking, Savings, or Certificate).


The account translation for old number could not be set. The account translation is already on file as a...account - This means that the attempt to add or update an account translation failed because the translation already exists as the indicated account type (Checking, Savings, or Certificate).


The account translation for old number could not be set. The account translation is already on file as a...account and cannot be edited by a bank employee. Please contact your banking consultant for assistance in altering this account translation - This means that the attempt to add or update an account translation failed because the translation already exists as the indicated account type (Checking, Savings, or Certificate).


The account translation for old number could not be added - This means that the attempt to add a new translation failed because of an unforeseen error.


Please select an item to edit and try again - This means the user attempted to edit an item but did not select an item in the list to edit.


The account translation for old number could not be updated - This means the attempt to update a new translation failed because of an unforeseen error.


Please select an item to delete and try again - This means the user attempted to delete an item but did not select an item in the list to delete.


The account translation for old number could not be deleted - This means that the attempt to delete a new translation failed because of an unforeseen error.


The new number provided is not a valid account. Please try again - This means that the New Number entered on the Accounts Translation Detail dialog is not a valid account. This error message could also be caused by an unforeseen error during an attempt to read the account master record.


You do not have security to edit translation items - This means that the user clicked <Edit> but does not have F/M security for this feature.


You do not have security to add translation items - This means that the user clicked <Add> but does not have F/M security for this feature.


You do not have security to delete translation items - This means that the user clicked <Delete> but does not have F/M security for this feature.


Your institution does not have access to this application. Please contact your banking consultant for assistance - This means that the institution has not been allowed access to the application. This screen can only be accessed if Institution Option OP16/USXR is enabled.


The new number provided is not an open account. Please try again - This means that the new number provided references an account that is either unopened or has been closed. An open account number must be provided.

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