Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Activity Information Screen > Average Balances / Neg Fees tab > Negative Balance/Overdraft Fees field group >

GOLDPoint Systems Programming for Regulation E

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Activity Information Screen > Average Balances / Neg Fees tab > Negative Balance/Overdraft Fees field group >

GOLDPoint Systems Programming for Regulation E

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There are certain CIM GOLD fields, reports, and options available to help your institution comply with FDIC Best Practices (Regulation E) regarding courtesy overdraft fees. This help page explains these features. Submit a work order if you want to use any of these institution options on the customer account.


1.Report FPSDR229 (Excessive Negative Balance Fee Report) shows customer accounts that have been charged more than six fees in the last 12 months. This report should be set up to process at month-end. Business accounts will not be included on this report. This report can be used to contact customers and inform them. An alert option, Send Negative Fee Alert, is available to be used for accounts that show up on this report (This option is located in CIM GOLD under the Internet and Phone Systems > Setup > Security Options screen). The alert will be sent to the IRS owner’s e-mail address and must be set up on your institution's Internet options. Alerts will be sent only to online customers. The wording for these alerts is customized by your institution. Submit a separate work order with the alert message for Message #105.


2.Institution Option FMIN is used  to set a transaction limit based on the transaction amount before charging a fee. Any transaction equal to or less than the amount of the limit will post without a fee. This option isn't available on business accounts.


3.Contact Queues can be used to alert you to customer accounts that have processed their seventh fee in the last 12 months. The fields on the Contact Queues screen must be used in GOLDWriter for the logic to create the Contact Queue list.


4.A deposit statement message number (999903) can be printed on customers’ statements when they have more than six overdraft fees in the past 12 months. The message number is a system-defined number. In order to use this feature, you must create the new message with your customized message text in CIM GOLD on the Miscellaneous > Advertising Messages > Advertising Message screen (CIM GOLD version 5.5 or higher). The new message will print before any advertising message already in place on the account statements. Both messages will print if the account is over the fee limit, based on the maximum number of fees your institution has set up (see #7 below). Each account on a combined statement will get a separate message on their section of the statement. If your institution’s statements are transmitted to a third party for printing and you want to use this message, contact GOLDPoint Systems.


5.The Opt-Out for Overdraft/Negative ATM/POS field on the Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen is available for Non-Regulation E transactions, such as ACH and inclearing check transactions (CIM GOLD version 5.5 or higher). This field allows the customer to opt out of overdraft protection and associated fees for most NSF transactions. If this field is marked and a transaction requires the negative limit to be paid, the transaction will be rejected and sent to GOLD ExceptionManager (GEM) as NSF with the notation "OP-OUT." NSF withdrawal transactions at the teller window are not included in this process. The teller needs to discuss these with the customer and post the fee manually when necessary.


6.Institution Option NGLP can be used to set a maximum limit on the number of fees charged to a customer account per day for all ACH, ATM, debit card, GEM, and check transactions processed using the negative limit.


7.In GOLD ExceptionManager on the main Processing screen, options can be set to show the number of fees a customer account has accrued for the present day. The number of fees can also be shown on the reports generated from GEM. The relevant field is called #Neg Fees, and it can be added through the Options > User Preferences function. Each processor will have to add this to their own installation of GEM. If the number of fees is over your institution's daily limit, the processor should not add any additional fees for paying NSF transactions. For more information on setting up user preferences in GEM, see the User Preferences section of DocsOnWeb.


Overdraft features can be adjusted for individual customer accounts on the Deposits > Account Information > Overdraft & Secured Loans screen. For the transaction, institution, and CIM GOLD features that pertain to the use of the overdraft feature, see the Overdrafting Conditions and Options help page. In order to use the overdraft function on a customer account, the Overdraft field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen must be marked.

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