Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Activity Information Screen >

Average Balances / Neg Fees tab

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Activity Information Screen >

Average Balances / Neg Fees tab

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This tab displays average balances and certain fees for the customer deposit account for specific time periods.


The date of most recent changes on the account is displayed in the Last Updated field (mnemonic M2DTLU). The Month-to-Date Average and Year-to-Date Average fields (mnemonic M2BDAVGC/M2BDAVGY) display the average balance for the customer account during the current calendar month and year, respectively.


Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen, Average Balances/Neg Fees tab

Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen, Average Balances/Neg Fees tab


The field groups on this tab are as follows:


Quarterly Average Balance/Neg Fees field groups


Negative Balance/Overdraft Fees field group

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