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EZ4U Definitions

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EZ4U Definitions

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This help topic explains basic vocabulary used in EZ4U Programming.


Command - A syntax phrase used to define the relationship between any Constants, Expressions, Operators, and Variables in a Statement. Commands are explained further on the EZ4U Commands help page.


Constant - An unchanging numerical value that is hard-coded into the service charge definition. For example, in the Statement "CHARGE 5.00," the number "5.00" is a constant because every time that CHARGE Statement is read, the system uses "5.00." If a Variable were used, the value would vary depending on the number linked to the Variable when the CHARGE Statement was read.


Expression - A value (or equation that can be reduced to a value) used in a Statement. For example, "8/B+6" is an expression so long as B is a known quantity. If B is equal to 2, the value for the Expression is 10.


Operator - A mathematical or logic symbol indicating an action or relationship between two values. Valid operators to use with EZ4U are explained on the EZ4U Operators help page. In EZ4U, Commands are always processed from left to right (no operator takes precedence over any other).


Statement - A line of text in a program, or an instruction given to the system. A statement consists of one or more Commands and any Constants, Expressions, Operators, and Variables associated with that command. Only one statement can be entered per line in the Service Charge Instructions field. No additional statements are allowed on a service charge code after a TABLE Command has been set up.


Variable - A value that changes depending on other values, or in certain circumstances during the execution of a program. Variables are represented by acronyms, which are displayed in the Symbol Dictionary list on the Service Charges screen. Only variables shown in that list view can be used with EZ4U, but a work order can be submitted to GOLDPoint Systems to add a variable to the list. Variables are explained further on the EZ4U Variables help page.


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