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EZ4U Operators

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EZ4U Operators

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The tables below explain the basic Operators used in EZ4U Programming. Operators are mathematical or logical symbols indicating actions or relationships between two values.


In EZ4U, Commands are always processed from left to right (no operator takes precedence over any other).


Logical Operator



Equal to


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to


Not equal to


Less than


Greater than


Arithmetic Operator











Negate number (unary)


Indicates a date rather than a value. The date should be entered immediately following the symbol in the format MMDDCCYY, where MM is the month (01-12), DD is the day (01-31), and CCYY is the year including the century (2002, 2003, etc.). For example, Jan 10, 2018 is coded as @01102018.

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