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CHARGE Command

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CHARGE Command

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This Command is one of several commands available to use in EZ4U Programming. The syntax used to enter this command is specified below, followed by a more detailed explanation of the command itself and a few examples.


Syntax: CHARGE {value}


A CHARGE command ends the service charge definition. There can be several CHARGE commands in a definition for several sets of comparisons (or for assessing several charges should a comparison be met). When the system finds a set of Statements that are true, all associated CHARGE command are executed and the service charge routine ends.


The value following the CHARGE command is the value that will be charged to a customer account that meets the criteria of the corresponding statement. This value can be a Constant, Variable, or Expression.


The final service charge amount (in other words, the result of all statements and commands in the Service Charge Instructions field) must be greater than or equal to zero.





IF #CSHCK <= 10


If the number of checks cashed against the customer account is greater than zero and less than or equal to 10, the account will be charged a $1.00 service charge.


IF #ATM > 25

CHARGE #ATM - 25 * .02


If the number of ATM transactions on the customer account is greater than 25, the account will be charged the number of ATM transactions minus 25 multiplied by 2ยข as well as a flat fee of $3.00.


IF #ATM > 5

CHARGE #ATM * 1.50


IF #ATM <=5

CHARGE #ATM * 1.00

If the number of ATM transactions is greater than 5, the customer account will be charged $1.50 for each ATM transaction. However, if the number of ATM transactions is between 1 and 5, the account will be charged $1.00 for each ATM transaction.

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