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Imports Tab

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Imports Tab

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Use the Imports tab to validate and import dealer user files and dealer to App-type files.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Imports tab followed by field and button and icon descriptions.


Imports Tab

Imports Tab


Field Descriptions




Dealer User File to Import

Enter the path to the dealer user file that you want to import in this field. You can also use the Browse icon (DSIC_BrowseIcon) to select a file to import.

Dealer User File Header Row Included

Check this field to also import the header row of the file in the Dealer User File to Import field.

Dealer to AppType Import

Enter the path to the dealer to App-type file that you want to import in this field. You can also use the Browse icon (DSIC_BrowseIcon) to select a file to import.

Dealer to AppType Header Row Included

Check this field to also import the header row of the file in the Dealer To AppType Import field.


Button & Icon Descriptions


Button or Icon


Browse Icon (DSIC_BrowseIcon)

Click on this icon to browse through your files for a file to upload.

<Validate File>

Click this button to check the file to be imported and validate it.

<Import File>

Click this button to import the file. This button is only available after the file has been validated.


See also:

Institution Configuration Screen

Institution Configuration Screen Details

Dealer System

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