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Email Configuration Tab

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Email Configuration Tab

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Use the Email Configuration tab to modify the e-mail templates that are used to send e-mails to customers and is used to set up individual and branch e-mail alerts.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Email Configuration tab followed by field and button descriptions.


Email Configuration Tab

Email Configuration Tab



Field Descriptions





Use this drop-down list to select the e-mail template to be modified.


Enter the subject line (or title) of the e-mail template in this field. This text will be submitted into the Subject line of all the e-mails sent to customers under the selected template.


Enter the body of the e-mail in this field. This text will be submitted in the Body of all the e-mails sent to customers under the selected template.


To include pre-configured tags that automatically insert specific information, select (or highlight) a tag in the Available Tags list view and click <Insert Tag>. This moves the tag into the Body field.

Available Tags List View

The Available Tags list view shows all the pre-configured tags that you can add to the Body of the e-mail template. You can use this list view to add and sort tags. The following columns display information and can be used to sort:


Name: Displays the name of the tag.

Description: Displays a brief description of the tag.


To include tags in the Body of the e-mail that automatically insert specific information, select (or highlight) a tag in the Available Tags list view and click <Insert Tag>. This moves the tag into the Body field.

Email Alerts List View

The Email Alerts list view shows all the people at the institution who are currently set up to receive e-mail alerts. You can use this list view to add, edit, or delete recipients. The following columns display information and can be used to sort:


Name: Displays the name of the person who receives e-mail alerts.

Email Address: Displays the e-mail address that alerts are sent to.

All Submit Alerts: Displays if the person receives all alerts whenever an application is submitted using eGOLDTrak.

Error Alerts: Displays if the person receives an alert whenever eGOLDTrak sends an alert.

New Dealer Request Alerts: Displays if the person receives an alert whenever a new dealership requests to use eGOLDTrak.


The following buttons are used when modifying the Email Alerts list view:


<Create Recipient> - Click this button to open the Create Email Recipient dialog and create an e-mail recipient.

<Edit> - Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click this button to open the Edit Email Recipient dialog to modify the highlighted e-mail recipient.

<Delete> - Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click this button to delete the highlighted e-mail recipient.

<Branch Emails> - Click this button to bring up the Select Branch Alert Email Addresses dialog to select a branch, and then select all of the e-mail recipients that will receive application submission alerts for that branch.

<Select Branches> - Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click this button to bring up the Select Alert Branches dialog to select the branches for which the highlighted e-mail recipient will receive application submission alerts.

Alert Branches List View

The Alerts Branches list view shows all the branches for which the highlighted e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view will receive application submission alerts. You can use this list view to add, edit, or view branches for the selected e-mail recipient. The following columns display information and can be used to sort:


Number: Displays the contact number.

Branch Name: Displays the name of the branch that receives e-mail alerts.


Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click <Select Branches> to bring up the Select Alert Branches dialog to select the branches the highlighted e-mail recipient will receive application submission alerts for.


Button Descriptions




<Insert Tag>

Highlight a tag in the Available Tags list view and click this button to add the tag to the body of the e-mail template.

<Save Email Template>

Click this button to save the e-mail template.

<Create Recipient>

Click this button to open the Create Email Recipient dialog and create an e-mail recipient.


Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click this button to open the Edit Email Recipient dialog to modify the highlighted e-mail recipient.


Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click this button to delete the highlighted e-mail recipient.

<Branch Emails>

Click this button to bring up the Select Branch Alert Email Addresses dialog to select a branch and then select all of the e-mail recipients that will receive application submission alerts for that branch.

<Select Branches>

Highlight an e-mail recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click this button to bring up the Select Alert Branches dialog to select the branches the highlighted e-mail recipient will receive application submission alerts for.


See also:

Institution Configuration Screen

Institution Configuration Screen Details

Dealer System


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