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Activate Or Inactivate Plan

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Activate Or Inactivate Plan

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Using the Plans screen you can activate or inactivate various plans.


Activate a Plan

To activate a plan, complete the following steps:

1.Check the Include Inactive field to include plans that are inactive in the search results.

2.Enter search criteria in the Search field to search for a plan.


Search Fields

Search Fields


1.Once the search criteria has been entered, click <Search by Description> or <Search by Number> to populate the Plans list view with all the plans that meet the search criteria.

2.Select the inactive plan that you want to activate. Note: You can click on the Active column to group all of the inactive plans together. The inactive plans do not have a check in the Active column.


Inactive Plan Selected in Plans List View

Inactive Plan Selected in Plans List View


3.Check the Active field to activate the plan, which will place a check in the Active column in the Plans list view.


Check the Active Field

Check the Active Field


4.Click <Save> to save your changes and activate the plan.


Plan Activated

Plan Activated



Inactivate a Plan

To make a plan inactive, complete the following steps:

1.Enter search criteria in the Search field to search for a plan.


Search Fields

Search Fields


2.Once the search criteria has been entered, click <Search by Description> or <Search by Number> to populate the Plans list view with all the plans that meet the search criteria.

3.Select the plan that you want to make inactive. Note: You can click on the Active column to group all of the active plans together. The active plans have a check in the Active column.


Active Plan Selected

Active Plan Selected


4.Remove the check from the Active field to make the plan inactive, which will remove the check from the Active column in the Plans list view.


Active Field

Active Field


5.Click <Save> to save your changes and inactivate the plan.


Plan Now Inactive

Plan Now Inactive


See Also:

Plans Screen

Plans Screen Details

Search for a Plan

Dealer System



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