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The Miscellaneous tab on the System Configuration screen offers additional optional setup. These options only affect the local PC, not other PCs at the branch (DB4 Server).



IMPORTANT: Starting in CIM GOLD version 7.9.3, an option is available on the Operator Information screen: Use Operator Controlled Misc Info. When this option is set, important CIM GOLDTeller options are then saved to the Operators.dat file instead of changing settings in the PC Registry settings.


This option is specifically for those institutions that run CIM GOLDTeller on terminal servers. When this option is checked, the options on the Functions > Administrator Options > System Configuration screen > Miscellaneous (This computer only!) tab are saved and maintained by the teller, and therefore, saved to the Operators.dat file.


See the following examples of the new option on the Operator Information screen (Print Options tab) and the Miscellaneous tab of the Configuration screen.



The following is an example of this tab, followed by descriptions of its fields. Review this information to determine if any options apply to your institution. We recommend discussing these options with your GOLDPoint Systems account manager before you set these options. These settings need to be verified with other required settings that work in conjunction with them.



Functions > Administrator Options > System Configuration Screen > Miscellaneous Tab




Mass Loan Payments Defaults

The options in this box are only for the Mass Loan Payments transaction (tran code 600-50).




Disable Check For Already Logged On

Check this box if you want GOLDTeller to not check to see if the user is already logged on. If this option is checked, the user will be required to enter their logon information every time they access CIM GOLDTeller.

Disable Platform

This option is not used by GOLDPoint Systems.

Disable Cash Dispenser

Check this box if this computer is not connected to a cash dispenser machine. Cash dispenser settings are set up on the Functions > Administrator Options > PC Institution Settings screen > CTR & Cash Dispenser Defaults tab.

Do not show institution info when logging on, even if you can change institutions

This option is for institutions that are separated into multiple institutions. When this option is set, the institution information is not shown when logging on.

Default Office Number

Enter the default office number to be used with transactions in this field. If you do not pre-select an account number (using the CIF Search) when you first access a transaction, the system will default this office number into the Account Number field, as shown below:



Fake Computer Name

Use this field if you want to give a name to this computer for history and research purposes. You can leave this field blank.

DB4 Error File Name

Use this field to enter a name to give to DB4 error files.


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