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General Tab

Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager tab >

General Tab

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Use the GOLD ExceptionManager > General tab of the GOLD Services > Institution Options screen to indicate information that will be used for both deposit and loan exceptions in GOLD ExceptionManager (GEM).


GOLD Services > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager > General Tab

GOLD Services > Institution Options Screen > GOLD ExceptionManager > General Tab


Before entering information on this tab, you should first determine what type of notice and envelope your institution wants to use. Each computer using GEM should use the same type of notice and envelope. See Print Notices in GEM for more information.


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Overdraft Notice Heading


Mnemonic: OOHODN

Institution Option: HODN


Use this field to indicate the heading you want for overdraft notices printed from GEM. For example, you could type "Notice of Overdraft" or "Overdraft Notice" in this field.

Return Notice Heading


Mnemonic: OOHRTN

Institution Option: HRTN


Use this field to indicate the heading you want for return notices printed from GEM. For example, you could type "Notice of Return" or "Return Notice" in this field.

Paid Item Notice Heading


Mnemonic: OOHPDI

Institution Option: HPDI


Use this field to indicate the heading you want for paid notices printed from GEM. For example, you could type "Notice of Payment" or "Payment Notice" in this field.

Combined Notice Heading


Mnemonic: OOHCMB

Institution Option: HCMB


Enter the heading you want to print on combined notices for all transactions that were returned, overdrafted, or paid to the account through GEM. This is the only notice type that prints all notices (overdrafts, returns, paid items) together.

Chargeback Notice Heading


Mnemonic: OOHCBN

Institution Option: HCBN


Enter the heading you want to print on chargeback notices for deposited items that have been returned to your bank. Note that this notice will always be printed on the 3-up Notice Format (see below) with words at the top, regardless of any other settings you enter on this tab.

Notice Format


Mnemonic: OONTCF

Institution Option: NTCF


Use this field to indicate whether you want to use the 3-up notice format with words at the top or side when printing notices in GEM. This selection will be the default selection on the Print Notices screen. You can leave this field blank if you want to use a combined format (see Always Use Combined Notice below).


Open the toggles below for more information and examples of these notice format options.


Envelope Type


Mnemonic: OOENVT

Institution Option: ENVT


Use this field to indicate which envelope type you want to use with the notices you print from GEM. This selection will be the default selection on the Print Notices screen. The size and number of windows on the envelopes your institution uses must be specified in this field before you can print any notices. Which Notice Format you choose (see above) affects which envelope type you should use. Possible choices are:


#9 - 0 window

#9 - 1 window

#9 - 2 windows

#10 - 0 window

#10 - 1 window

#10 - 2 windows


Note that if your institution doesn't use window envelopes, you will need to use address labels or manually type and print the customer’s name and address on the envelope. This is not recommended by GOLDPoint Systems.

GEM Cutoff Time for ACH/Checks



Institution Option: RTIM, OTIM


GOLDPoint Systems uses these fields to indicate he cut-off time (MST) by which your institution's exceptions for ACH/Check items should be handled. This time should coincide with the Federal Reserve Bank's deadline. Your institution will have to handle the items on the next business day.

Protect Fee to Charge Field


Mnemonic: OOLKFE

Institution Option: LKFE


Mark this checkbox if you do not want file maintenance to be performed on the fee amount for returning and paying rejects. Only the institution's fee amounts can be assessed.

Do Not Print Credit Limit on Notice


Mnemonic: OOPRCL

Institution Option: PRCL


Mark this checkbox if you do not want the credit limit printed on overdraft notices.

Print Current Balance on Notice


Mnemonic: OOPCBR

Institution Option: PCBR


Mark this checkbox if you want the current balance (instead of the payable balance at the time of the transaction) printed on paid and return notices.

Account Structure Number of Digits



Institution Options: ODGT, ADGT, CDGT, LONB, LANB, LCNB


These fields display the number of digits used for deposit and loan account numbers at your institution. Account number structure includes an Office, Account, and Check Digit number.

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