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Loan System

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Loan System

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Hold Code 83 No Longer Restricts Other Payment Types on EZPay Screen

User Interface Improved on EZPay Screen for Revolving LOC Loans

Specific Message Enabled for EZPay Payments through ACI

Investor Fields Screen Bug Fix

Opt Out of Email Notification Added to Other Payment

Fields Added to Account Detail Tab

User-defined Fields on Actions/Holds/Event Letters Updated

Pop-up For Contact On EZPay Screen





Hold Code 83 No Longer Restricts Other Payment Types on EZPay Screen


CMP: 16319


CIM GOLD Version 7.20.5

Hold Code 83 (No ACH Payments) is designed to restrict ACH payments from being made on an account on the EZPay screen. However, users found that Hold Code 83 also prevented all payment types from being made in EZPay, not just ACH payments.


When Hold Code 83 is applied to the account, the red banner at the top of the screen in EZPay indicates that payments cannot be made on the account. This has been updated to allow for debit or credit card payments to be made when Hold Code 83 is on the account (if your institution allows those types of payments) and the red banner to not display. ACH payments will still be restricted until Hold Code 83 is removed from the account.



Tip: Do not have Hold Code 83 set in the EZPay IMAC Table options. Your GOLDPoint Systems account manager can clear that setting for you from the CIM GOLD Hold Code Restriction field on the EZPay IMAC Table. If Hold Code 83 is in that option, ACH and credit/debit cards will still be restricted from the EZPay screen, because any account with a Hold Code listed in that option will restrict payments on the EZPay screen.


Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen




User Interface Improved on EZPay Screen for Revolving LOC Loans


CMP: 16012

We have improved the Promotions grid to show all promotions on revolving line-of-credit accounts on the Loans > Transactions > EZPay screen. Previously, some promotions weren't showing completely.


Additionally, the <Submit Payment> button was being cut off when the Promotions grid showed. This has been adjusted so the button shows completely. See the following example:


Click to expand.

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen (click to expand)




Specific Message Enabled for EZPay Payments through ACI


CMP: 15963, 16102

Work Orders: 60115, 56593


CIM GOLD version 7.20.5

One institution requested a more detailed message in CIM GOLD when debit card payments are made on the EZPay screen, and the fees are run through the ACI debit card processor (using GOLDPoint Systems' Payment Portal). We have updated the message that shows in these situations as shown below.


To allow this new message text, GOLDPoint Systems must set up server settings. Contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager if your institution would like to implement something similar.


Note: ACI is a third-party card processor. A contract with them is required. Additionally, the office or investor number for that account must be set up with the applicable merchant (ACI) on the GOLD Services > Merchant ID screen. See the GOLD Services topic for information concerning a new option to tie merchants to investor accounts.










Investor Fields Screen Bug Fix


CMP: 15665


CIM GOLD version 7.20.5

A small bug that occurred on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Loan Investor Fields screen has been corrected. User testing found that if the next or previous account buttons were clicked at the top of the screen, the next or previous account would load, but the name attached to that account would not. This has been corrected, and now clicking the navigation arrows at the top of the CIM GOLD screen will navigate to the next or previous account, including the name accompanying the account.

Opt Out of Email Notification Added to Other Payment


CMP: 15770

Work Orders: 59932, 55780


CIM GOLD version 7.20.5

For those institutions who choose to have the option to email event letter 60 to a borrower after a payment is made on the EZPay screen, we have added the Opt Out field and <Submit> button to the pop-up dialog box that appears after the payment has been submitted using the Other Payment Account option. See changes below.


The Opt Out field was already on the dialog box if the payment came from a saved card or ACH account, but it did not show when the payment was from the Other Payment Account option.


The ability to email event letter 60 to borrowers was introduced in CIM GOLD version 7.9.11. For more information on this new email feature, see Email Notification Dialog for Event Letter 60 When Processing ACH Payments in EZPay. If your institution is interested in implementing this feature, contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager.


After version 7.20.5:

Loans > Transactions EZPay Screen

Loans > Transactions EZPay Screen


Before version 7.20.5:

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen





Fields Added to Account Detail Tab


CMP: 16094


CIM GOLD version 7.20.5

The following enhancements have been made to the Interest Detail tab on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen. These changes were requested after CMP 15173 was released in CIM GOLD version 7.20.4 (see New Deferred Interest Fields on Account Detail Screen).


The Remaining Deferred Interest field (LNRDFI) was added to the Interest Detail tab, while the Deferred Interest field (LNDEFI) was removed. The Deferred Interest field is for ARM loans, while the Remaining Deferred Interest field is for interest-bearing loans (payment method 6) with deferred interest.


If the Payment Application field contains a 5 (Deferred Interest), then the following fields can be open to file maintenance (depending on security clearance): Deferred Interest Constant (LNDICN), Original Deferred Interest (LNODFI), and Remaining Deferred Interest (LNRDFI). If "5" is not part of the Payment Application, those fields cannot be file maintained.


See the following example of these changes on the Interest Detail tab of the Account Detail screen.


Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Interest Detail Tab

Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Interest Detail Tab





User-defined Fields on Actions/Holds/Event Letters Updated


CMP: 16289


CIM GOLD version 7.20.5

We have updated the file maintenance of two user-defined fields: UFC17 and UFC34. These fields are found at the bottom of the Actions/Holds/Event Letters screen and are user-defined. Many institutions include these fields in event letters created from account information and sent to borrowers.


Users found they had trouble updating the UFC17 and UFC34 fields on the Actions/Holds/Event Letters screen starting in CIM GOLD version 7.9.12. This screen is found as a tab on many screens as well as directly from the CIM GOLD menu under Loans > Account Information. When those fields were changed from a Variable screen, the system had no errors. But if those fields were changed from the Actions/Holds Event Letters screen/tab, the following error message would be displayed:  


Error updating User Defined Fields (FPUF) Record: Record to update is wrong version nbr.


This has been corrected and now users should have no problem updating those two fields on the Actions/Holds/Event Letters screen, as shown below:



Pop-up For Contact On EZPay Screen


CMP: 15960


CIM GOLD version 7.20.5

A contact pop-up dialog box has been added to the EZPay screen for one institution (378). This institution wanted to include a free-form pop-up dialog box where tellers could enter who they spoke to for the payment, but only debit/credit card payments. This pop-up dialog box appears after the <Submit Payment> button is clicked, and may be preceded by other dialog boxes, such as a dialog explaining the total amount of payment.


After the teller enters the contact name of the person they spoke to for the payment, the information is saved and included with the Collection Comments. See the following examples of these new features.


If your institution is interested in implementing something similar, contact GOLDPoint Systems. Server setup is required for this to work properly.


Update: An error was discovered after this version of CIM GOLD was released involving this change. CIM GOLD version 7.20.6 will correct this error. See Pop-up Dialog for Contact Person Corrected in version 7.20.6.


Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen (after <Submit Payment> clicked on debit/credit card payment)

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen (after <Submit Payment> clicked on debit/credit card payment)


Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact Tab

Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact Tab




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