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Loan System

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Loan System

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ACH Funding Now in CIM GOLD

New Deferred Interest Fields on Account Detail Screen

New EZPay Option: Charge Convenience Fee on Deferments

Update to Birth Date Field on Account Detail Screen

Distinguish Between Credit and Debit Cards for Third-Party Fees in EZPay

EZPay Discover Card Correction

Bankruptcy Comments Error Correction

Marketing and Collections Account Switch Error Correction

Updates to Cards and Promotions Screen

Deferment Fields Added to Credit Reporting Screen

Email Message No Longer Shows for Special Monthly Payments

Amortization Schedule Error Corrections

Names Not Tied to Account No Longer Show in EZPay

Card Profiles: Card Type Error Correction





ACH Funding Now in CIM GOLD


CMP: 15356


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

The ACH Funding project is now available in CIM GOLD. This project allows loans to be funded via ACH through the FPAE record (ACH Funds Distribution) instead of the Accounts Payable system. Before you can use this feature, GOLDPoint Systems must set up some options for you, and your GOLDTrak PC programs may need to be adjusted. Currently, this only works for one institution who uses a third party to originate loans, then connects with our APIs to finalize funding in CIM GOLD using the Loans > Check Printing > Checks screen.


We have added the ability to view ACH funding on the Checks screen. In the Status field, you will see three new options: ACH Pending, ACH Sent, ACH Voided, as shown below:




You can send a check record that hasn't been printed an ACH funding transmission instead of a check. To do so, complete the following steps:


1.On the Checks screen, select all new funding checks that haven't been issued a check yet, as shown in Figure 1 below.

2.Select the payee in the list-view table for whom you want to send an ACH transmission instead of a check.

3.Click the <Send ACH> button. This button is not available until you select a new funding payee in the list-view table. (Note: Institution option FACH (Send ACH in CIM) must also be set up for your institution in order to see the <Send ACH> button.)
The External Account dialog box will appear, as shown below:




4.Enter the preferred bank's routing number and account number for this payee.

5.Enter the Verify Account field by re-entering the account number; select the type of account it is (checking or savings); and designate the ACH format (for a walk-in customer; an ACH transmission to an authorized company/dealer; an ACH transmission authorized via telephone; or an ACH transmission authorized via the web).

6.Click <Confirm ACH> and a dialog box similar to the following will appear, showing the details of the ACH funding:




7.Click <Send ACH> and the system will queue the ACH funding to be sent when the system sends ACH transmissions (in the afterhours).


If the ACH funding has not been sent yet, and you need to void it, you can set the Status field to "ACH Pending," click <Retrieve>, then select the payee for whom you do not want to send the funds via ACH, and click the <Void> button.


If the ACH funding payment is not shown when ACH Pending Status is selected, that means the funding has already been sent (change the Status to "ACH Sent" and you should see it), and you'll need to use other means to try to retrieve the funding if it was sent in error.


ACH funding payments will not show in Check Reconciliation.


Create ACH Transmission from Checks Screen


Users can also create ACH transmissions from the Checks screen by first clicking <Add Check>, entering the applicable information in the provided fields on the Add Funding Check screen, then clicking <OK>. Then the user would need to repeat the steps outlined above to send an ACH instead of a check.


G/L Transactions


The ACH payments are posted to General Ledger accounts set up in the Autopost using transaction code 271. These will post to the following amount fields in the Autopost:


G/L debit to L-23

G/L credit to L-3


Note: You can also view the success of ACH transmissions using the Miscellaneous > ACH/Wire > ACH Funds Distribution screen. This screen shows an accounting of all ACH funds that have been distributed from a selected date range. See Figure 2 below.


Figure 1: Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen

Figure 1: Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen


Figure 2: Miscellaneous > ACH/Wire > ACH Funds Distribution Screen

Figure 2: Miscellaneous > ACH/Wire > ACH Funds Distribution Screen





New Deferred Interest Fields on Account Detail Screen


CMP: 15173


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

One of our new institutions offers deferred interest and payments for interest-bearing accounts (payment method 6 loans). If the loan is paid off within the interest deferral period, deferred interest is not applied and essentially waived at Payoff. However, if the loan is not paid off by the expiration date, the deferred interest that accumulated during that time period is then added as part of the payment using a deferred interest constant amount. The interest accrued on the loan is kept separate from the deferred interest both in payments and accrual.


This is similar to how revolving line-of-credit loans (payment method 5) can work, but our system previously didn't allow this for payment method 6 loans. We have enhanced our system to now allow these types of loans to be serviced in CIM GOLD.


The following changes were made to our system for these types of loans:


We have added an additional Payment Application option for these types of loans: Deferred Interest (5).


Action Code 172 (Deferred Interest Period) holds the date deferred interest expires; when the deferred interest amount moves from Accrued Interest into the Original Deferred Interest and Remaining Deferred Interest fields; and when the Deferred Interest Constant field is calculated.


oThe Accrued Interest field (LNACIN) holds the interest that is accrued during the deferred interest period. It will be zero unless the borrower makes a payment during the period, and then the system accrues interest from Date Last Accrued to the date of payment and puts that amount in the Accrued Interest field. This continues with every payment made during the interest deferral period. If no payments are made, this field remains zero.


oWhen Action Code 172 expires, the system accrues the interest from Date Last Accrued to the end of the deferral period to get the total amount of deferred interest, zeroes out the Accrued Interest field (if not zero already), then moves that amount to these two fields: Original Deferred Interest (see definition below) and Remaining Deferred Interest (LNRDFI). This is done using Update Function 55, explained below.


oRemaining Deferred Interest is not shown in CIM GOLD currently, but it will be reduced every month when a payment is made (and part of the payment goes to Deferred Interest (Payment Application 5). Once the Remaining Deferred Interest reaches zero, the payment no longer applies funds to deferred interest. (See Deferred Interest Calculation below.) This field will be added in the next version of CIM.


The following fields have been added to the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen > Interest Fields tab that show the amount of deferred interest for loans where no interest (and possibly no payments) are required for a designated number of months after the loan is opened:


oYTD Deferred Interest (LNYTDD): This field shows the amount of deferred interest that has been paid year-to-date. This field cannot be changed.


oOriginal Deferred Interest (LNODFI): This is the original amount of deferred interest. In the afterhours of the Action Code 172 date, the system totals the amount of deferred interest from the Date Opened to the Action Code 172 date and puts that amount in this field.


oDeferred Interest Constant (LNDICN): This is a calculated field that shows the amount of payment that goes to reducing the deferred interest each frequency. This field is calculated as follows:
Original Deferred Interest (LNODFI) / Original Installment Number (LNOINO) = Deferred Interest Constant (LNDICN).


We have also added an Afterhours Update Function (55 - Process End of PM6 Deferred Interest Period) that must be set up by your GOLDPoint Systems account manager to run daily. This afterhours function will control moving the deferred interest amount from Accrued Interest into the Original Deferred Interest and Remaining Deferred Interest fields and calculating the Deferred Interest Constant when Action Code 172 expires.

See the following example of these new fields on the Interest Detail tab of the Account Detail screen, as well as other details for these loans:


Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Interest Detail Tab

Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Interest Detail Tab


Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Account Tab

Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Account Tab




New EZPay Option: Charge Convenience Fee on Deferments


CMP: 15035, 15363, compatible with Core Services released in May 2020


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

A new EZPay option is available that allows institutions to charge convenience fees when credit/debit cards are used for deferments in EZPay. The amount of the fees charged when deferments are processed will depend on your institution’s settings for card payment fees.


Some institutions use options set up on the EZPay IMAC table, while others set up their own fees based on loan type and classification on the Loans > System Setup Screens > EZPay Convenience Fees screen. (The Use Convenience Fee Table option must be set for you in the EZPay IMAC Table for the fees on the EZPay Convenience Fees screen to work.)


This amount is applied to any type of deferment run through the EZPay screen except hardship (regular, holiday, override deferments allowed). We can also set up the Waive Fee option if you want to allow users to be able to waive the fee, based on the user’s security authorization. See the Fees topic in the EZPay User’s Guide for more information.


Note: If fee amounts are set up on both the EZPay IMAC Table and the EZPay Convenience Fees screen, the system uses the fee amounts established on the EZPay Convenience Fees screen.


Contact GOLDPoint Systems for more information about this option. See the following example of the EZPay screen showing the fee amount for running a deferment.



GOLDPoint Systems Only


This new option, Charge Convenience Fee on Deferments (mnemonic EZCFDF), can be found on the Cards tab of the EZPay IMAC Table screen.


Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen




Update to Birth Date Field on Account Detail Screen


CMP: 15077

Work Order: 58887


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

We have updated the Birth Date field on the Names tab of the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen, so when accounts are converted onto our system, the correct year for Birth Date will show. Previously, this field was reading the last two digits of a birth year and showing it with "20" in front, instead of "19." This only happened during conversions or when loans were ported over from an API, GOLDAcquire Plus, or GOLD Loan Gateway. The Birth Date would show correctly on the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen, but not on the Account Detail screen. This also caused the Age field to display dates into the future. This has been corrected.


Note: A core services update was also part of this project. It was released to the host on April 20, 2020.


See the following before and after examples:










Distinguish Between Credit and Debit Cards for Third-Party Fees in EZPay


CMP: 14439, 14440


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

Programming has been added to EZPay so that third-party convenience fees for credit and debit cards can be properly distinguished and defined separately from each other. This means that when a card payment is processed through EZPay, the system will look at the card type (credit or debit) in the Card Profile and apply the appropriate third-party fee for the indicated card and payment type.


Three separate third-party fees (immediate, recurring, one-time) can be defined for each card type (credit or debit), for a total of six distinct third-party card convenience fees.


Not all institutions establish third-party fees for credit or debit card payments. For those institutions who do, remember that GOLDPoint Systems sets up and defines third-party fees in the EZPay IMAC Table. An option is also available that allows front-end tellers to waive the third-party fee, but use caution if you want to set that option. Third-party processing fees are still charged to your institution, whether you allow the fee to be waived or not. Contact your account manager for more information.


Note: This also applies to payments made through your payment website, whether you use GOLD AccountCenter or our payment APIs.

EZPay Discover Card Correction


CMP: 15105


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

An error was preventing Discover from being a selectable credit/debit card company in the EZPay Card Profile. This error has been corrected.

Bankruptcy Comments Error Correction


CMP: 12312


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

An error was causing CIM GOLD to close if the Loans > Bankruptcy and Foreclosure > Bankruptcy screen > Comments tab was opened for multiple customers in succession. This error has been corrected.

Marketing and Collections Account Switch Error Correction


CMP: 15497


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

An error message was appearing when users would try to switch to a different customer account while viewing any tab (besides Delinquent Payments) on the Loans > Marketing and Collections screen. This error has been corrected.

Updates to Cards and Promotions Screen


CMP: 15701


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

We have updated the Cards and Promotions screen so an error message appears when users click the <E-Statement> button, instead of crashing CIM GOLD. If statements are tied to that button, statements will appear. But if the institution does not use e-statements and a user clicks that button, the following error message will be displayed instead of crashing CIM GOLD:




Additionally, users no longer needing to click <Refresh> after information is added to the Marketing and Collections screen > Cards and Promotions tab to show updated information on the screen.

Deferment Fields Added to Credit Reporting Screen


CMP: 15672


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

The Deferment field group has been added to the Credit Reporting & Loan Information tab of the Credit Reporting screen. These fields are for informational purposes only. You cannot make changes to these fields. These fields display whether the loan is currently in deferment due to seasonal payments, natural/declared disasters, or hardship. For more information about deferments, see the Deferment Transactions in the Transaction Manual in the CIM GOLDTeller User's Guide.


Note: These fields will not show the deferment information until the monthend credit reporting process has run.


If the loan is in deferment, the K4 Segment will be included on the Credit Report and transmission (FPSDRP184).


See the Deferment field group help in DocsOnWeb for more information concerning these fields. The following is an example of the Credit Reporting screen showing these fields.


Loans > Credit Reporting Screen > Credit Reporting & Loan Information Tab

Loans > Credit Reporting Screen > Credit Reporting & Loan Information Tab




Email Message No Longer Shows for Special Monthly Payments


CMP: 15309


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

For those institutions that email a notice to customers after making a one-time payment transaction from the EZPay screen, we have updated the system to not show the Email Notification dialog box when a Special Monthly Payment is made.


The Special Monthly Payment was never intended to send an email when the email notification option was created (see CMP 11581 in the CIM GOLD version 7.9.11 release). This option should only be for one-time future payments. However, users found that the Email Notification dialog box (see below) would show after processing a Special Monthly Payment, and when the email was generated, it would be blank. Therefore, we have removed the dialog box from appearing for Special Monthly Payments.


Email Notification dialog box

Email Notification dialog box


The following example of the EZPay screen shows where the Special Monthly Payment is found:


Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen




Amortization Schedule Error Corrections


CMP: 13971


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

Errors were preventing users from accessing and using the Loans > Account Information > Amortization Schedule screen with a customer account open. These errors have been corrected and the screen can be accessed properly.

Names Not Tied to Account No Longer Show in EZPay


CMP: 14207


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

We have corrected an error that showed all names in a household when users clicked the list-view icon on the EZPay screen. It has been fixed to now only show names connected to the account, not the entire household (see below).


Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen

Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen

Card Profiles: Card Type Error Correction


CMP: 15398


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

An error was causing all card types (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express) to appear in Card Profiles regardless of which card types were restricted on the EZPay IMAC Table. This error has been corrected, and only card types designated by your institution will be available for selection in Card Profiles. Remember that the EZPay IMAC Table is maintained by GOLDPoint Systems on behalf of your institution, so you must contact your GOLDPoint account manager to add or restrict card types.












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