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Deposit System

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Blank Choice Added to Frequency for CDTs





Blank Choice Added to Frequency for CDTs


CMP: 13952

Work Order: 58117


CIM GOLD version 7.20.4

When changing Customer Directed Transfer information in the Deposit system, we have added the ability to change the Frequency (DXCTCY) field to blank. We added a "blank" choice to the Frequency drop-down field (see below). Previously, if a CDT was set up with a Frequency, users couldn't change it to be no frequency (or a blank).


Note: If you do select "blank" Frequency, a warning icon warningicon will show next to the Frequency field. The warning icon is just that: a warning. It will not stop the CDT from processing.


For interest CDTs (Distribution Type “I – Interest”), a blank Frequency means the CDT will process according to how the interest fields are set up on the Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen (such as pay Interest at Maturity (DMIMAT) or as directed by the Interest Frequency field (DMINFQ)).


For all other Distribution Types, a blank Frequency indicates a one-time only transfer.


Deposits > Customer Directed Transfers > Customer Directed Transfers Screen

Deposits > Customer Directed Transfers > Customer Directed Transfers Screen





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