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Additonal example of how to create a work field column

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Additonal example of how to create a work field column

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For your understanding, the following is an example of how to create a work field.




1.From Report Wizard Step 3, click <New>.
An incomplete sentence will appear in the bottom of the screen, like the one outlined below.




2.In the empty box on the left, enter a title.
For this example, the title will be "Funny."


3.In the drop-down list to the right of the title, select what type of field you are creating.
For this example, the type will be "TEXT."


4.In the white space below the sentence, create the calculations for your new column. (See steps 5-15 for instructions on how to create calculations.)




5.Click if.
IF now appears in the white box below the sentence.


6.Click "Hold Action Code" in the Report Column Headings list.
"Hold Action Code" will appear after the word IF.


7.Click the "+" symbol.
The "+" symbol will appear after "Hold Action Code."


8.Click "Hold Action Code2" in the Report Column Headings list.
"Hold Action Code2" will appear after the "+" symbol.


9.Click the ">" symbol.
The ">" symbol will appear after "Hold Action Code2."


10.Type "10" after "Hold Action Code2."


11.Click then.
The word THEN appears after "10."


12.Type "'FUNNY'" after the word "THEN.".


13.Click else.
The word ELSE now appears after "'FUNNY'."


14.After ELSE, type word "'BORING'."
The calculation is now complete and looks like the following:



The completed equation says, "If Hold Action Code 1 added to Hold Action Code 2 is greater than 10, then the word FUNNY will appear on the report; otherwise, the word BORING will appear."


15.Click finish and the work area will close.
The Funny workfield will appear in the Report Column Headings list.


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