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Quick Search field group

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Quick Search field group

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Use the buttons in this field group to perform quick system searches for specific remote transactions. All remote transactions matching the indicated criteria will appear in the Results list view.




The buttons in this field group are as follows:


<Errors> - Perform a quick search for remote transactions that contain errors.

<Deposit Transactions> - Perform a quick search for remote deposit transactions.

<Loan Transactions> - Perform a quick search for remote loan transactions.

<Bill Pay> - Perform a quick search for remote Bill Pay transactions.

<Applies> - Perform a quick search for activity performed in NITE mode and then re-applied to the Host after the afterhours.

<ACH> - Perform a quick search for remote ACH transactions (4008 function codes).

<Wires> - Perform a quick search for remote wire transactions.

<Positive Pay> - Perform a quick search for remote Positive Pay transactions.

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