Navigation:  Internet and Phone Systems Screens > User Profile Screen >

Sub-Users tab

Navigation:  Internet and Phone Systems Screens > User Profile Screen >

Sub-Users tab

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Use this tab to view and edit settings for sub-users (persons with secondary rights to access an account) at the selected Company. This tab only appears if a Company account is being viewed (as explained on the User Profile Screen main help page).


The list view on the top-left of this tab (which appears regardless of which sub-tab is selected) displays the Logon Names for all sub-users previously set up for the selected Company. Select a sub-user in this list to view and edit that sub-user's information in the fields on this tab.


Many fields on this tab function identically to fields on other tabs of this screen. The main difference is that fields accessed from this tab pertain to sub-users while fields accessed from other tabs pertain to main (Personal or Company) users. The function of all fields regarding sub-users and main users will be clarified in help topics in this manual.



Internet and Phone Systems > User Profile Screen, Sub-Users Tab


The sub-tabs on this tab are as follows:


Sub-User tab

GOLDPhone tab

Accounts tab

eMail tab

Phone tab

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