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Securables tab

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Securables tab

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The Securables tab on the Security > Reports screen allows you to select applications, systems, or screens and and generate a report about which employees or profiles have been granted security to them.


Follow the steps below to use this tab. See below for examples of reports run on this tab.


1.Select either the CIM GOLD or Field Level radio button (GOLDVision options are not currently available). Select CIM GOLD if you want to find who has security access to specific CIM GOLD screens, or select Field Level to see which employees do not have access to specific CIM GOLD fields.


2.Use the Include checkbox fields to indicate whether information about Employees (as set up on the Employee tab of the Security > Setup screen), Profiles (as set up using the CIM GOLD Profile tab of the Setup screen), or both will be included in the generated report.


3.In the tree view on the bottom-left of the tab, mark the checkbox fields next to the screens that will be included in the report. The screens available in this tree view will vary based on the radio button selected in step 1. For CIM GOLD, all screens accessible from the CIM GOLD tab of the Security > Setup screen (which generally includes all CIM GOLD screens) will be displayed. For Field Level, all field level security options from the Field Level tab of the Setup screen will be displayed.


4.Once the screen selection is complete, click runreportbutton. The results will appear on the right side of the screen. The report will show employees and/or profiles* and their security access to the selected screens. The report also shows whether they have INQ (inquiry) or F/M (file maintenance) rights to the screen.


If both INQ and F/M are listed, the user has file maintenance rights, meaning they can make changes to information on that screen.

If just INQ is listed, the user only has inquiry access, meaning they can only view the information on that screen for accounts.

If the user name does not show up on the report, it means that user does not have access to those screens.


hmtoggle_arrow1CIM GOLD Example


hmtoggle_arrow1Field Level Example


*If multiple profiles are assigned, the "effective" security will be determined.

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