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Fields list view

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Fields list view

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This list view contains all CIM GOLD fields that are categorized under the record type selected in the Records tree view.




Click on any column header to organize the list view by that column's information type. The columns in this list view are as follows:



Mark the checkbox in this column to add the field to the custom screen being created/edited. The field will appear in the Selected Fields list view as well as the Fields Placement tab.


This column displays the mnemonic of the field.


This column indicates whether the field is repeated in a record. For example, the Deposit master record has 12 Hold/Action fields. If a field is repeated in a record, this column contains a small button. Clicking the button brings up a window that displays the number of repeated fields and allows you to select which of the repeated fields will appear on the custom screen being created/edited.

Is Key

This column indicates whether the field is a key field. Key fields are display fields that display information but cannot be file maintained from the variable screen being created on this screen.

Field Description

This column indicates the name of the field as it appears in CIM GOLD.


Use the Find field to search this list view for a particular field name or mnemonic. The first field that contains the searched text will be highlighted in the list view when <Find> is clicked. Continue clicking <Find> (or pressing Enter) until the desired field is highlighted.

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