Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Reserve Analysis tab > New Loan Payment field group >

Reserves 1 & 2 Payments (+)

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Reserve Analysis tab > New Loan Payment field group >

Reserves 1 & 2 Payments (+)

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No


Screen: Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis > Reserve Analysis tab


This is the total of the monthly reserve 1 and 2 payment. This information is calculated by the system whenever you access this screen. This information will change if you add reserves or change reserve information through the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail screen.


Monthly reserve payments are paid during the normal course of loan payments (the Payment Application field group on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen should include 3 (Amount to Reserve 1) and 6 (Amount to Reserve 2, if applicable)). These amounts add up in the reserve account until your institution pays for those reserves on a designated date, as set up on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis Options screen.


See also:

Surplus Amount

New Loan Payment


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