Navigation: Loans > Loan Screens > Transactions Screen Group > Make Loan Payment Screen > Payment Selection field group >
Regular Payment
Click the Regular Payment radio button in the Payment Selection field group to process a Regular Payment transaction (tran code 600-00). See Regular Payment Options for information about institution options that affect regular payments.
Loan Payment—Notes:
1.When posting a payment on a loan that is two or more payments past due for this tran code, the system requires a teller override (TOV).
2.For contract collections, late charges included in the regular payment are shown in the seller history as a separate item. If a correction transaction is processed on the same day and for the same amount as the 600 transaction regular payment, both transactions are canceled. Otherwise, the correction will show on the Afterhours Processing Exceptions Listing (FPSRP013). You must manually retrieve the funds from the seller and reduce the Year-to-Date Disbursements field for that amount (on the Contract Collections screen).
3.When posting a payment on a payment method 5 loan that is higher or lower than the actual amount, the system will require a TOV and display one of the following messages: "TOV AMT TOO LOW -- PMT IS $XXX.XX" or "TOV AMT TOO HIGH -- PMT IS $XXX.XX."
4.For payment methods 0, 1, 2, and 7, when posting a payment on a loan that has received a partial payment, the system requires a teller override (TOV).
5.When making a correction of a Regular Payment (tran code 608), if one or more tran code 500s (field debits) and/or tran code 510s (field credits) were posted after the payment was posted, all the 500s and 510s must be reversed prior to the reversal tran (608). If one or more 500s and/or 510s were posted and you only want to reverse one particular transaction (and not the payment), you don't have to reverse all of the transactions posted after that transaction, just that transaction itself.
See also:
Payment Selection field group.