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Record Type

Navigation:  Loan Screens > System Setup Screens > Field Level Security Screen > All Fields field group >

Record Type

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Use the Record Type field in the in the process of restricting field access for the selected employee or profile. See help for the All Fields field group for more information about this process.


Use this field to indicate the desired CIM GOLD record. Once a selection is made in this field, the All Fields list view will display all fields within the selected record.


The list below shows all CIM GOLD records available in this drop-down field. Follow the links below to view lists of all fields available within each record. These lists also display each field's CIM GOLD screen location.


CFCN - Contract Collections Seller

CFLI - Lending Inventory Detail

CFLN - Loan Master

CFLT - Loan Tax And Statistical Report

CFPO - Loan Payoff Record

CSAM - Advertising Message

CSBI - Bankruptcy Options

CSBR - Invalid Routing And Accounts

CSCI - Customer Information Record

CSEI - Employment Information

CSKX - Customer ID Cross Reference

CSOT - Loan Origination Tracking

CSPI - Customer Profile

CSPR - Personal References

CSSL - Super Line

FPA1 - Ancillary Products

FPAA - Account Analysis

FPAB - Analysis Option

FPAE - ACH Funds Distribution

FPAK - Alert Configuration Record

FPAR - Regular Advertising Records

FPAS - One-Time ACH Payment

FPBA - Account Bankruptcy Information

FPBB - Personal Bankruptcy Information

FPBK - Bankruptcy

FPBR - Billing Statement Information

FPBU - Credit Bureau Information

FPC0 - Collateral UCC

FPC1 - Collateral Securities

FPC2 - Collateral Deposits

FPC3 - Collateral Vehicles

FPC4 - Collateral Livestock

FPC5 - Colalteral Crops

FPC6 - Collateral Life Insurance

FPC7 - Real Estate Collateral

FPC8 - Collateral Inventory

FPCA - Payee Record

FPCF - Loan Collateral Information

FPCS - CD Rate Term Schedule

FPD1 - Loan CP2 Record

FPDA - ACH Information

FPDM - Deposit Master

FPDT - Deposit Stop Payments

FPDU - Deposit Uncollected Funds

FPDX - Deposit Customer Directed Transfer

FPDZ - Deposit History

FPE0 - CIF Email Addresses

FPEB - Payment Pattern Description

FPEC - Payment Pattern Detail

FPEP - Employee Performance

FPEX - Extension Record

FPF1 - Amortizing Fees

FPFC - Foreclosure

FPFO - Loan Miscellaneous Fields

FPFS - Loan Miscellaneous Fields

FPGZ - System History

FPHD - Holiday Schedule

FPI4 - Opt-Out Member Information

FPIC - Issue Card

FPID - Insurance G/L Account ID

FPIF - Opt-Out Information

FPIK - Internet Logon Key

FPIN - Insurance

FPIR - IRS Information Returns

FPL3 - Loan Teller Processing

FPL7 - Real Estate Legal Description

FPLH - Loan History

FPLO - Loan Officers

FPLS - Line Of Credit Sub Limits

FPLT - Loan Tax and Stat

FPLY - Loan Type Descriptions

FPLZ - Loan Payment Rate Calculation

FPM1 - Miscellaneous Loan Record Fields

FPMA - Multiple Borrowers

FPMF - Loan Modifications

FPMH - POS Match and Hold

FPML - Miscellaneous Loan Fields

FPMN - CIF Name and Address

FPMP - More Payoff Fields

FPMR - Mortgaging Servicing Rights

FPNA - CIF Address


FPNL - Purchase and Promotions

FPNM - CIF Household

FPNP - Loan Notepad

FPNR - Batch Report Setup

FPNT - CIF Account

FPOB - Office Information

FPON - Office Division Region Manager Info

FPP0 - CIF Phone Numbers

FPPB - Platform Comptrack Branch

FPPC - Deposit Product Code Definition

FPPH - Platform Comptrack History

FPPN - Bankruptcy Repayment Plan

FPPQ - Property Expense

FPPS - Platform Comptrack Teller

FPPU - Property Unit Square Footage

FPPV - Property Amenities

FPPW - Property Income

FPPZ - Commercial Loan Property

FPQA - Collection Account Record

FPRA - Recurring ACH Loan Payments

FPRD - Reserve Disbursement

FPRE - Loan Renewal

FPRP - Retirement Plans

FPS5 - Payment Schedule Calculations

FPSB - Safe Deposit Box

FPSI - Internet Security Setup

FPT0 - Tracking Report

FPT1 - Tracking Items Descriptions

FPTM - Tracking Miscellaneous Items

FPUF - Loan User Defined Fields

FPWB - IBE Web Transaction Log

FPWO - WWW Option Record

FPWT - WWW Accounts

GTAF - Autofunding Rules

GTDC - Dealer Product Category

GTDI - Distributor Record

GTDL - Dealer

GTDO - Dealer Option

GTMA - Manufacturer Record

GTNT - Dealer Note Record

GTPC - Principal Reference

GTPL - Plan Record

GTPR - Dealer Product Record

XMEI - Exception Item

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