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FPL3 - Loan Teller Processing

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FPL3 - Loan Teller Processing

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The table below displays the Mnemonic, Description, and CIM GOLD Location for fields available within the FPL3 record.


These fields will appear in the All Fields list view when "FPL3" is selected in the Record Type field. Mark the Restrict checkbox next to each desired field to restrict that field for the selected employee or profile. See All Fields for more information about the process of setting up field security.


These mnemonics are not currently used by GOLDPoint Systems. For mnemonics pertaining to non-accrual records, see LNACST and LNNABB in the Loan Master CFLN record. See also help for the Collection - Follow-up Date Report by Collector (FPSRP137).




CIM GOLD Field Location


Non Accrual End



Non Accrual Original



Non Accrual Sale Amt



Non Accrual Start



Repossession or REO


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