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Negative Reserves Interest tab

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Negative Reserves Interest tab

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This tab is only available in certain circumstances. See below to learn more.


hmtoggle_arrow1Negative Reserve Interest details



Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail Screen, Negative Reserves Interest Tab


The Combined YTD Interest Paid on Reserves field at the bottom of this tab displays the amount of interest paid year-to-date for both reserve 1 (tran code 810) and reserve 2 (tran code 820). This field clears to zero as part of the year-end processing.


You can set up two different negative reserve balance payments on this tab; one for reserve balance 1 and one for reserve balance 2. Each of the two reserve balances is represented by an identical Reserve field group on this tab. Use these field groups to view and edit negative interest information for the reserve balances on a customer account. The fields in these field groups are as follows:




Charge Interest on Negative Reserves


Mnemonic: LNR1IN, LNR2IN

This field must be checkmarked to accrue interest on negative reserves. Both fields must be checked to charge interest on both reserve 1 and reserve 2.



WARNING: When this field is unchecked, the Negative Accrual Balance field below is automatically cleared. As the field clears, the amount is stored in loan history.

Reserve Balance


Mnemonic: LNR1BL, LNR2BL

This field contains the amount that has been paid by the borrower to apply to such things as taxes, insurance, etc. It can only be entered through a teller transaction.


Institution Option I R2NG prevents a negative Reserve 2 Balance. With this option, if a transaction creates a negative balance, the error message, “Disbursement/Reserve 2 Would be Negative” appears on the Afterhours Processing Exceptions Listing report. If you would like this option, submit a work order.

Negative Accrual Balance


Mnemonic: NIR1BA, NIR2BA

This is the amount by which the Reserve Balance (above) is below zero and is the amount interest is accrued on. This balance is updated during the afterhours process. The amount in this field will always be blank or negative. This field will generally be the same as the Reserve Balance field, except if a debit or credit was made to the reserve during the day.


This field is file maintainable and the amount must always be zero or entered with a minus (negative) sign or an error message will appear. The Charge Interest on Negative Reserves field above for the appropriate reserve must be checkmarked before an amount can be entered in this field.



WARNING: When the Charge Interest on Negative Reserves field is unchecked, the Accrued Interest field below is automatically cleared. As this field clears, the amount is stored in loan history.

Accrued Interest


Mnemonic: NIR1AC, NIR2AC

This is the amount of interest that has been accrued on the amount in the Negative Accrual Balance field above. The interest is always calculated using the 365/365 days per year calculation. The 366 days calculation will not be used for a leap year, but the 29th is used in the monthly calculation for February (same calculation that paying interest uses).

Last Accrued On


Mnemonic: NIR1DT, NR2DT

This is the date on which interest was last accrued. The system will only accrue interest on balances that have activity. For example, if both the reserve 1 and reserve 2 balances are negative and a credit or debit is applied only to the reserve 1 balance, only the reserve 1 balance will be updated. The reserve 2 balance will be updated when it has activity.

Interest Paid


Mnemonic: NIR1PD, NIR2PD

This is the amount of interest the borrower has paid. Teller tran codes 810 (reserve 1) and 820 (reserve 2) are used to pay the reserve interest. This amount is reported to the IRS, if applicable.

Use This Interest Rate


Mnemonic: NIR1UR, NIR1RT

Mark the checkbox field if you want to enter a rate in the adjacent text entry field. If the checkbox field is left blank, the interest rate on the loan, pulled from the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen, will be used. For payment method 7 loans (ARM), the interest rate used to calculate the interest is pulled from the Current Rate field on the Loans > Account Information > ARM Information screen. The program does not check the rate change dates, etc., and it doesn't switch rates in between if the rate rolls; it uses the rate in the Current Rate field at the time of accrual.


If the checkbox is marked, use the adjacent text entry field to indicate the interest rate you want to use when charging interest on the negative reserve balance.

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