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Investor Information Checkbox fields

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Investor Reporting Screen Group > Investor Master Screen > Investor Information tab >

Investor Information Checkbox fields

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Use these fields (on the right side of the Investor Information tab of the Loans > Investor Reporting > Investor Master screen) to indicate information about the investor being created/edited on this screen.


Investor Agreement on File


Mnemonic: IMIAG

Use this field to indicate whether your institution has a servicing agreement with the investor on file.

Investor Allows Non-Owner Occupancy


Mnemonic: IMNOO

Use this field to indicate whether the investor allows non-owner occupancy of loans they purchase.

Investor Allows Rate Blending at Modification


Mnemonic: IMRTB

Use this field to indicate whether the investor allows rate blending when a loan is modified.

Investor Approval Required to Modify


Mnemonic: IMIAP

Use this field to indicate whether the investor requires approval before a loan undergoes any modification.

Investor Requires Due on Sale to be Enforced


Mnemonic: IMDSL

Use this field to indicate whether the investor requires a “due on sale” clause to be included and/or enforced with loans they purchase.

Investor Requires Year-end Advice


Mnemonic: IMYRA

Use this field to indicate whether the investor requires year-end advice from your institution's independent auditors for confirmation or verification of the loans they purchase.

Investor Requires Year-end Audit Report


Mnemonic: IMAUD

Use this field to indicate whether the investor requires a copy of your institution's year-end audit report.

Payment of Interest on Reserves


Mnemonic: IMIOR

Use this field to indicate whether the investor wants interest to be paid on reserve accounts within loans they purchase.

Use Alternate Company Name on Reports


Mnemonic: IMANM

Use this field to indicate whether the investor wants to use an alternate name for their institution on reports. If this field is marked, your GOLDPoint Systems representative must set up the alternate name to use for the investor.

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