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Loan Initialization with GOLDTrak PC

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Loan Initialization with GOLDTrak PC

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Loan initialization is not commonly done through CIM GOLD. Loan initialization requires a three-part process of creating a new loan number, changing field information on default screens, and using GOLDTeller to open the loan. Instead, most institutions use the Loans > System Setup Screens > Loan Pattern Setup screen to set up loan patterns, then use GOLDTrak PC to apply those loan patterns to loan accounts before they are boarded and funded, as shown below:




You can change field information when using a loan pattern in GOLDTrak PC. Once the loan is boarded and opened, field information transfers into the appropriate fields in CIM GOLD for the account. You will likely need assistance from your GOLDPoint Systems client solutions specialist in setting up the Loan Pattern Setup and GOLDTrak PC Setup screen in order to use loan patterns.


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