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Detailed History tab

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Detailed History tab

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The Detailed History tab displays detailed account activity for an account.




1. At the top of the screen are search fields. Use these fields to narrow the results of history items. You can search for a range of dates, times, teller numbers, transactions, amounts, and fields. Matching history items are displayed in the Detailed History list view below after you click <Display History>. To clear the fields and start over, click <Reset>. Open the link below for more information about these fields.


hmtoggle_arrow1Detailed History search fields


2.Below the search fields is a list view that displays the results of your search. See Detailed History list view for more information.


3. If you click a transaction item in the top list view, the bottom two list views will populate with additional information concerning that transaction. The right list view displays any fields that were changed because of the transaction. The left list view displays any changes to amounts based on the transaction.


4. Notice in the screen example above that both a call-in payment by check transaction, as well as the correction of that transaction, are listed. Correction transaction codes end in "08." For a list of all transaction codes, see the Loans Transactions manual in DocsOnWeb.

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