Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Collateral Detail Screen > Collateral Detail Screen: Auto/Personal Property > UCC/Title Fields dialog >

Debtor/Additional Debtor tabs

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Collateral Detail Screen > Collateral Detail Screen: Auto/Personal Property > UCC/Title Fields dialog >

Debtor/Additional Debtor tabs

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Use the Debtor tab on the UCC/Title Fields dialog to view and edit information about a debtor attached to the collateral item being created/edited on the Loans > Collateral Detail screen. An additional debtor's information can be added using the Additional Debtor tab. Both tabs are identical.


The appearance of these tabs changes according to the selected debtor type radio button (at the top of the tab). Both versions of the tabs (Person and Organization) are shown below.


Once the desired radio button has been used to indicate the type of debtor (CFDBTP), use the fields on this tab to indicate that person or institution's name and contact information. Person debtors require basic name (CFFNAM/CFMNAM/CFILNM/CFSFFX) and Social Security information (CFCSSN) while Organization debtors require a business Name, business Type, Jurisdication, and Tax ID. Both types of debtors require the same type of address information (CFADD1/CFADD2/CFCITY/SFSTAB/CFZIPC/CFZIP4/CFCTRY).


Debtor/Additional Debtor tab: Person radio button



Debtor/Additional Debtor tab: Organization radio button



The <Copy Address> button on the Additional Debtor tab can be used to copy the information entered on the Debtor tab and enter it in the Additional Debtor fields.

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