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Credit Reporting Screen

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Credit Reporting  >

Credit Reporting Screen

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The Loans > Credit Reporting screen is the primary source of information reported to the credit repository. During the month as payments are posted, reversed, etc., the account adjusts. At monthend, the Credit Reporting screen is updated and reflects the actual condition of the loan at that point in time. This is the information that will be reported. File maintenance can be done to this screen prior to the transmission being sent.


However, once transmissions have been sent, any changes made to the screen will have no effect for that month.


A credit report record (screen) is established for every loan regardless of the reporting option. Generally, you should not need to make changes to this screen. This screen is automatically updated at monthend when transactions and activity takes place on the account (such as bankruptcies, repossessions, foreclosures, payments, deferments, etc.).


Many of these fields are required for accurate and complete reporting.



Note: Pay close attention to the following fields: Compliance Code, Special Comments, and Consumer Transaction Type on the Reporting Codes & Original Information tab. All fields that are file maintained by your institution on this screen are written to Loan History. Be aware that file maintenance to these fields does not change the actual fields on other loan screens.


Also see the General Reporting Information section for additional information regarding credit reporting.


This screen is comprised of four tabs:


Credit Reporting & Loan Information


Reporting Codes & Original Information






See the above links for more information concerning these tabs and the descriptions of the fields on these tabs. The following is an example of the Credit Reporting screen. Click on any of the tab headings and it will take you to a description of that tab.


Loans > Credit Reporting Screen

Loans > Credit Reporting Screen



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the FPBU, FPND, FPP0, FPE0, CSCI, CSNT, and CSCN records (Credit Reporting, CIF Name, CIF Phone Numbers, CIF Email Addresses, Customer Information, Customer Comments, and Customer Comment Types). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See FPBU, FPND, FPP0, FPE0, CSCI, CSNT, and CSCN in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in these records. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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