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Select By Field Group Criteria

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Select By Field Group Criteria

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Use the Select By field group to establish criteria for history items to appear in the History list view on the History screen. The available criteria for history items are explained here:



Use these fields to indicate a Start and End date for history items to appear in the History list view.


Use these fields to indicate a Start and End time of day for history items to appear in the History list view.

Check Nbr

Use these fields to indicate a Start and End check number for history items to appear in the History list view.


Use these fields to indicate a Start and End teller number for history items to appear in the History list view.


Use these fields to indicate which transaction types will appear in the History list view. Entering a value in both the Start and End fields will result in the list view displaying two transaction types, while entering a value in only one field will result in the list view displaying one transaction type. Possible transaction types are:


Csh - Cash Transactions

Chk - Check Transactions

Jnl - Journal Transactions

ACH - ACH Transactions

ATM - ATM Transactions

COR - Corrected Transactions

FTM - Foreign ATM Transactions

PRF - Proof Processing


Use these fields to indicate a Start and End transaction code number for history items to appear in the History list view. See the Transaction Code List help page to learn more about transaction codes.


Use these fields to indicate a Start and End transaction origination code (Torc) number for history items to appear in the History list view. The actual Torc information will be displayed in the Transaction Type and Description field group when a transaction is selected in the list view. See the Transaction Origination Code List help page to learn more about Torc numbers.


Use these fields to indicate a Start and End transaction amount value for history items to appear in the History list view

Record Type

Use this field to indicate what history item record types will appear in the History list view. Possible record types are:


AA - Account Analysis

DA - Incoming ACH

DM - Account Master

DO - OTC Holds

DT - Stop Payments

DU - UCF Holds

DX - Customer Transfers

M2 - Deposit Master 2

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