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Options field group

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Options field group

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On the System Defined tab, these fields contain the set options of the selected system-defined hold/action code.


On the User Defined tab, use these fields to set options for the hold/action code being created/edited.


Once set up on this screen, hold/action codes can be applied to a customer account on the Deposits > Account Information > Restrictions & Warnings screen.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




I - Suspect Inclearings


Mnemonic: HCX80B

If this field is marked, all inclearing transactions on customer accounts with the hold/action code will be posted in GOLD ExceptionManager (GEM). This option and option J are mutually exclusive.

J - Stop Inclearings


Mnemonic: HCX40B

If this field is marked, all inclearing transactions on customer accounts with the hold/action code will be rejected in GEM. This option and option I are mutually exclusive.

K - Suspect ACH


Mnemonic: HCX20B

If this field is marked, all ACH transactions on customer accounts with the hold/action code will be posted in GEM. This option and option L are mutually exclusive.

L - Stop ACH


Mnemonic: HCX10B

If this field is marked, all ACH transactions on customer accounts with the hold/action code will be rejected in GEM. This option and option K are mutually exclusive.

M - Ignore Hold in After-Hours


Mnemonic: HCX08B

If this field is marked, any afterhours transaction that is not Inclearing, ACH, or ATM on customer accounts with the hold/action code will not be affected by the hold/action code.


File maintenance transactions do not test hold/action codes in the afterhours, and Hold Code 13 is the only hold/action code that affects interest posting or service charges in the afterhours.

N - Restrict History Access


Mnemonic: HCX04B

If this field is marked, the display of history information will not be allowed on customer accounts with the hold/action code.


If restricting account access is the main purpose of the hold/action code, all fields in the Exceptions field group should be marked.

O - Restrict Account Access


Mnemonic: HCX02B

If this field is marked, the display of account information will not be allowed on customer accounts with the hold/action code.


If restricting account access is the main purpose of the hold/action code, all fields in the Exceptions field group should be marked.

P - Stop ATM


Mnemonic: HCX01B

If this field is marked, ATM transactions, authorizations on customer accounts with the hold/action code will be rejected and stopped.

Q - Ignore Home Banking


Mnemonic: HCX80C

If this field is marked, GOLDPhone and Internet transactions will not be affected by the the hold/action code.

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