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IF Command

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IF Command

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This Command is one of several commands available to use in EZ4U Programming. The syntax used to enter this command is specified below, followed by a more detailed explanation of the command itself and a few examples.


Syntax: IF {value} {logical operator} {value}


An IF command is used to compare two values using Logical Operators. The values compared can be Constants, Variables, or Expressions.


The outcome of an IF Statement is either true or false. If it is true, the system continues to the next statement and performs it. If it is false, the system looks for an ORIF or ELSEIF command and continues at that point. If one is not found, no service charge will be processed.


IF statements can follow each other. In this case, there is an assumed AND between them. You can also include the AND manually. When two or more IF statements follow each other, all IF statements must be true or else the entire group is considered false.


IF, ORIF, or ELSEIF commands with no Expressions are always true.




IF LOWBAL <= 500.00

If the low balance on the customer account is less than or equal to $500.00, the system will go to the next statement.


IF LOWBAL <= 300.00

IF AVGBAL <= 500.00

If the low balance on the customer account is less than or equal to $300.00, and the average balance for the account is less than or equal to $500.00, the system will go to the next statement



If the difference between the current date (run date) and the date the customer account was opened is greater than or equal to 180 days, the system will go to the next statement.


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