Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Check Imaging Screen > Images tab >

Check Image list view

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Check Imaging Screen > Images tab >

Check Image list view

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This list view on the Images tab contains a list of check images that fall within the search criteria established in the Conditional Read Parameters (Optional) field group. Double-click on any image in the list view, or select the image in the list view and click <Display Image>, to view the check image in a separate window.




Click on any of the 7 column headers at the top of this list view to organize the list view by that column's information type.


The columns of this list view, and the information they convey about check images, are:



This column contains the effective date of the check. This date should always match an associated date in deposit history.

Check Nbr

This column contains the check number. For deposit slips, this field will be blank.


This column contains the check amount.


This column indicates whether there is a check front image available.


This column indicates whether there is a check back image available.


This column indicates whether the check image is an image of a check, returned check, or deposit slip.


This column indicates whether the check image has been linked to an associated deposit history item.


Two highlight colors are used to indicate certain check image records. Highlighted check images are still available to view, print, and download to the user computer.


A light blue highlight indicates that the check image will be skipped (not printed or used) on image statements. This option can be adjusted with the Skip on Statement field in the Modify Check Record field group.


A pink highlight indicates that the check image has not been linked to an associated deposit history item. If an error occurs during the linking process, it can be corrected on either the Exceptions or Link Exceptions tab (or in the Modify Check Record field group on this tab).

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