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Analysis Statement Preview

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Analysis Statement Preview

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This preview gives a summary of the commercial checking account activity for a given cycle and an analysis of the account's cost effectiveness.This preview is accessed by clicking the <Print Preview> button on the Deposits > Account Information > Commercial Account Analysis screen. You can view a different cycle's statement by entering another date in the Statement Date field. The selected date will affect calculations used in this analysis.


This help page identifies and explains the information found on the Analysis Statement Preview.


High/Average/Low Balance Used

This section contains either "High," "Average," or "Low," as selected in the Balance to Use field. This section reflects the customer account balance used to determine the Balance for Cycle section. If "High," the Balance for Cycle will display the highest balance the account reached during the cycle. If "Average," the Balance for Cycle section will display an average for the account balance for the cycle. If "Low," the Balance for Cycle section will display the lowest balance the account reached during the cycle.

Balance For Cycle

This section contains the average, high, or low balance of the customer account (see Balance to Use) that will be used to calculate the analysis for the account.

Float Amount for Cycle

This section contains the float amount or uncollected funds for the customer account during the current cycle based on the value entered in the Float Factor field.

Average Daily Collected Balance

This section contains the average collected balance for the cycle. It is calculated by subtracting the Float Amount from the customer account balance for each day.

Required Federal Reserves Rate

This section contains the rate at which the Federal Reserves amount is calculated. This rate is entered in the Federal Reserve Rate Pointer field.

Required Federal Reserves Amount

This section contains the Federal Reserves amount. It is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Collected Balance by the Required Federal Reserves Rate.

Required Inst Reserves Rate

This section contains the rate at which the institution reserve amount is calculated. This rate is entered in the Institution Reserve Rate Pointer field.

Required Inst Reserves Amount

This section contains the institution reserve amount. It is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Collected Balance by the Required Inst Reserves Rate.

Net Available Balance

This section contains the net available balance on the customer account. It is calculated by subtracting the Required Federal Reserves Amount and the Required Inst Reserves Amount from the Average Daily Collected Balance. This is the amount at which the account will earn interest credit (if the result is positive) or be charged a negative balance fee (if the result is negative). The start and end dates for the statement cycle are entered on the Deposits > Acocunt Information > Additional Fields screen. The number of days shown in parentheses refers to the number of days between the cycle start date and the statement end date. This balance is used in calculations for account earnings credit, Federal and Institution Reserves, and FDIC insurance.

Earned/Charged on Net Available at ... Rate

This section's description displays "EARNED" if the Net Available Balance is greater than or equal to zero, and "CHARGE" if the Net Available Balance is negative. This section displays the rate at which the Net Available Balance either earns interest credit (if positive) or assesses an additional charge (if negative). This rate comes from what has been entered in the Positive Balance Rate Pointer (for earnings) and Negative Balance Rate Pointer (for additional charges) fields.

Earned/Charged on Net Available at ... Amount

This section's description displays "EARNED" if the Net Available Balance is greater than or equal to zero, and "CHARGE" if the Net Available Balance is negative. This section displays the earnings credit (Net Available Balance = positive) or additional charge (Net Available Balance = negative) calculated for the customer account. It is calculated by multiplying the Net Available Balance by the rate displayed on this line. Additional charges are displayed with a negative sign.

Forwarded Credit Amount

This section is used to apply a credit amount from prior statements against new charges for the current statement cycle. For example, last month's statement yielded a $5.00 credit, and that amount will be placed in this section. When the current month's statement is processed and yields a $9.00 charge, that $5.00 credit is applied to the charge, reducing it from $9.00 to $4.00. The amount in this section is then cleared. When consecutive credit statements are processed, this section accumulates the credit and applies them when they are needed. A zero (0) is placed in this section periodically according to the Credit Clear Cycle setting.

Balance Before Services

This section contains the result of subtracting FDIC Insurance and Interest Earned on the customer account (if these costed services are used, it shows under the Services Provided section) from the Earned/Charge on Net Available section. That section reads EARNED if the result is still positive and CHARGE otherwise. This is the amount from which the individual costed services are subtracted to get the charge amount for the account.

Services Provided

This section contains the description of each costed service used on the customer account. Next to each service are the following columns:


Cost/Item Column: This column shows the cost per item for each costed service used on the customer account.


# of Items Column: This column displays the number of items charged to the customer account during the specified statement cycle. If this section is negative, the number of items were reversed on the account.


Total Cost Column: This column displays the total cost of services on the account. It is calculated by multiplying the # of Items section by the Cost/Item section. If the result is less than zero, the total cost will be zero for that service rather than giving a credit amount.


Comp Balance Column: This column displays the compensating balance that corresponds to the Total Cost of the provided service. The compensating balance is the balance needed in order for the customer account not to receive a charge for those items. An account that has no forwarded balance and that receives neither a charge nor a credit will have a total compensating balance that is equal (or very near) to the Average Daily Collected Balance.

Total of Services

This section contains the total amount of all services used by the customer account. For all codes used, the cost per item is multiplied by the number of items and the results for each code are added together.

Net Charge for Account

This section contains the net charge or credit amount for the customer account. If this amount is positive, the earnings were greater than the charges. If this amount is negative, the earnings were less than the charges and an additional charge is added to the account.

State Sales Tax

This section contains the state sales tax that is calculated on the account analysis service charges. The sales tax amount will be charged separately from the costed services amount.

Total Charge With Tax

This section contains the total charge, including tax, charged to the customer account.

Required Balance for no Charge

This section contains the balance that, if maintained through the statement period, would have resulted in no charge made to the customer account. This line appears only for charge balances.

Message Line

If there is a Net Charge for Account, but the Charge Fees field is blank, this message will be displayed on the statement to show that the customer account was not charged the displayed amount. This allows an evaluation period on the account before starting to charge for account analysis.

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