Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Dealers Screen >

Dealer list view/search fields/info fields

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Dealers Screen >

Dealer list view/search fields/info fields

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These fields are visible at the top of the Dealers screen regardless of which tab is selected.




The list view at the top of this screen displays information about all dealers currently set up at your institution. See below for details about the information displayed in this list.


hmtoggle_arrow1Dealer list columns


Use the search fields above the list view to search the system for previously created dealer records. Once information is entered in these fields and <Search> is clicked, the list will display all dealer records that match the indicated search criteria. Open the link below to learn more about conducting a search using these fields.


hmtoggle_arrow1Dealer list search


The following basic information fields appear beneath the list view:






Mnemonic: DLNMBR

Use this field to indicate the ID number of the dealer being created on this screen. Once a dealer has been added to the system (and appears in the list view), this number cannot be changed. An option is available that will automatically enter the ID number for each dealer in the order they are created. This option, Use Auto Numbering for Dealer System, is found on the Options screen.

Group Nbr


Mnemonic: DLGRPN

Use this field to indicate the dealer group the dealer being created/edited belongs to. Dealer groups must first be set up on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Dealer Groups screen before they can be selected in this field.



Mnemonic: DLIADT

Use this field to indicate whether the dealer being created/edited is currently actively processing loans with your institution.



Mnemonic: DLIADT

This field indicates the most recent date the activity status of the selected dealer was changed (using the Inactive field above).

Changed By


Mnemonic: DLEMPX

This field indicates the name of the employee who most recently changed the activity status of the selected dealer (using the Inactive field above).

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