Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Plans Screen > Plans Screen Details >

General Information tab

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Plans Screen > Plans Screen Details >

General Information tab

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Use this tab to view and edit general information about the plan being created/edited on this screen. For further information about the navigation and use of this screen, see the main Plans Screen help.


This screen is used to set up dealers, fees, participation/rebate discounts, or customized data with individual plans. After plans are established on this screen, the information will be sent to the GOLDTrak PC and eGOLDTrak programs for your dealers. The selected dealers can then offer their customers those loan financing plans.



Dealer Setup > Plans Screen, General Information Tab


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Plan Number


Mnemonic: PLNMBR

Use this field to indicate the ID number of the plan being created. If the Use Auto Numbering for Dealer System field on the Dealer Setup > Options screen is marked, this field is automatically populated by the system when <Create New> is clicked.



Mnemonic: PLSTUS

This field displays the activity status (Active or Inactive) of the plan being created/edited, according to the status of the Inactive field below.

Status Changed By


Mnemonic: PLSTS1

This field displays the name of the employee at your institution who most recently changed the Status (above) of the plan being created/edited.

Status Date Changed


Mnemonic: PLSTS2

This field displays the date of the most recent change to the Status (above) of the plan being created/edited.



Mnemonic: PLSTUS

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited is active. Only active plans (with this field left blank) can be used by dealers.

Application Type


Mnemonic: PLAPPT

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited applies to Consumer use, Commercial use, or potentially either.

Plan Description


Mnemonic: PLDESC

Use this field to indicate a brief description of the loan plan being created/edited.

Short Plan Description


Mnemonic: PLDES1

Use this field to indicate a shortened version of the Plan Description for the loan plan being created/edited.

GTPC Old Plan Type


Mnemonic: PLTYPP

If applicable, use this field to indicate the old GOLDTrak PC plan type of the the plan being created/edited.

Interest Rate


Mnemonic: PLINTR

Use this field to indicate the the interest rate for the plan being created/edited.

Add On Rate


Mnemonic: PLRAPR

Use this field to indicate the the add-on interest rate for the plan being created/edited.

Interest Rate Tier


Mnemonic: PLITIR

Use this field to indicate the interest rate tier for the plan being created/edited. Tiers must be set up on the Dealer Setup > Tiers screen before they can be selected in this field.

Interest Method


Mnemonic: PLIBAS

Use this field to indicate the interest calculation method (365/365, 360/360, etc.) for the plan being created/edited.

Discount Rate


Mnemonic: PLDDPL

Use this field to indicate the discount interest rate for the plan being created/edited.

Discount Account


Mnemonic: PLDISC

Use this field to indicate the flat discount amount for the plan being created/edited.

Plan Term


Mnemonic: PLTERM

Use this field to indicate the term length (in months) for the plan being created/edited.

Term Tier


Mnemonic: PLPLTT

Use this field to indicate the interest rate tier for the indicated Plan Term (above) on the plan being created/edited. Tiers must be set up on the Tiers screen before they can be selected in this field.

Required Down Percent


Mnemonic: PLRDPR

Use this field to indicate the the percentage of the value indicated in the Required Down Based On field (below) that is required as a down payment for the plan being created/edited (if applicable).

Required Down Based On


Mnemonic: PLMINB

Use this field to indicate the value that the Required Down Percentage (above) is based on for the plan being created/edited.


Possible selections in this field include the Loan Amount, Amount Financed, Purchase Price, and Cash To Customer amounts.

Service Charge Amount


Mnemonic: PLSCHG

Use this field to indicate the service charge amount to be applied to the plan being created/edited (if applicable).

CAO Plan


Mnemonic: PLCAOP

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited is a CAO plan.

Allow Zero Rate


Mnemonic: PLZERO

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited allows zero interest rates on customer loan account balances under a certain level.

Allow Term Override


Mnemonic: PLATRO

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited allows term overrides.

Allow Rate Override


Mnemonic: PLARTO

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited allows interest rate overrides.

Reserve Capture


Mnemonic: PLLDRC

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited allows reserve capture.

Date Created


Mnemonic: PLDTCR

This field displays the date the selected plan was created.

Date Changed


Mnemonic: PLCHDT

This field displays the most recent date the selected plan was modified on this screen.

Changed By


Mnemonic: PLCHBY

This field displays the name of the employee at your institution who most recently modified the selected plan on this screen.

Card Specific Options field group

See Card Specific Options field group for more information.

Promotion Dates field group

Use the Start and Expire fields in this field group to indicate the time period when the plan being created/edited will be in effect.

Limitations field group

Use this field group to indicate limitations for the plan being created/edited. A loan cannot be set up by dealers at your institution if it fails to meet the limitations set here. Open the link below for further information about these fields.


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