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Card Specific Options field group

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Card Specific Options field group

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Use this field group to indicate card promotion information for the plan being created/edited on this screen. Card promotions are only available on applicable plans. For further information about the navigation of this screen, see the main Plans Screen help.


Use Card Plan must be marked on the Dealer Setup > Options screen in order to use this field group. The Card Plan field (below) must be marked in order for the other fields in this field group to be available.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Card Plan


Mnemonic: PLCRDP

Use this field to indicate whether the plan being created/edited is a card plan. This field must be marked in order for the other fields in this field group to be available. Use Card Plan must be marked on the Dealer Setup > Options screen in order to use this field group.

Uses Card Standard Rate


Mnemonic: PLCRDT

Use this field to indicate whether the card plan being created/edited uses the card standard rate. Card Plan must be marked in order to use this field.

Uses Payment Calculation Record


Mnemonic: PLUPCR

Use this field to indicate whether the card plan being created/edited uses the payment calculation record. Once this field is marked, the Payment Calculation Code field will become available. Card Plan must be marked in order to use this field.

Payment Calculation Code


Mnemonic: PLPCPT

If the Uses Payment Calculation Record field is marked, use this field to indicate the payment calculation code used by the card plan being created/edited. Payment calculation codes must be set up on the Dealer Setup > Payment Calculations screen before they can be selected in this field. Card Plan must be marked in order to use this field.

Uses Variable Rate


Mnemonic: PLVRTU

Use this field to indicate whether the card plan being created/edited uses a variable rate. Mark this field to select a variable rate in the Variable Rate Pointer field. Card Plan must be marked in order to use this field.

Variable Rate Pointer


Mnemonic: PLRPTR

If the Uses Variable Rate field is marked, use this field to indicate the rate pointer to use on the card plan being created/edited. Rate pointers must first be set up on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Interest Rate Table screen before they can be selected in this field. Card Plan must be marked in order to use this field.



Mnemonic: PLROFF

Use this field to indicate the margin or offset amount used by the card plan being created/edited. Card Plan must be marked in order to use this field.

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