Navigation:  Customer Relationship Management Screens > Households Screen > Accounts tab >

IRS Owner

Navigation:  Customer Relationship Management Screens > Households Screen > Accounts tab >

IRS Owner

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Entry: User, alphanumeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: NTIRS#

Screen: Customer Relationship Management > Households > Accounts tab

Use this field to indicate which household member is designated as the owner of the Account being added to the selected household (or the account selected in the Accounts list view). This designation is for IRS reporting purposes. Names must be set up on the Names tab before they can be selected in this field.

Note: In order for a household member to be eligible to be the IRS owner of an account, the customer must have a valid Social Security number or Federal Identification number entered on the Names tab for reporting to the IRS.

When determining an IRS owner of an account, the system will do one of the following if it is forced to default:

If only one household member is tied to the account, that member’s sequence number will appear in this field. If that household member does not have a valid Social Security number entered in the system, the code will be indicated as an invalid IRS owner code.

If two or more household members are tied to the account, with none being indicated as the sole owner, the first household member listed in the Accounts list view will be considered the IRS owner and he/she will appear in this field. If that household member does not have a valid Social Security number entered in the system, the code will be indicated as an invalid IRS owner code.

If two or more household members are tied to the account, and only one is indicated as the owner, that household member will appear in this field. If that household member does not have a valid Social Security number entered in the system, the code will be indicated as an invalid IRS owner code.

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