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History Screen

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History Screen

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The IRS GOLD History screen is used to view history of any changes made to forms in IRS GOLD. IRS GOLD is a year-end processing tool accessed in CIM GOLD. You can use IRS GOLD to process certain year-end forms that are required by the IRS to be sent to your customers at year-end. To learn more about IRS GOLD (and how to navigate this screen), see the IRS GOLD Overview help page.



GOLD Services > IRS GOLD > History Screen


The information displayed in the top list view of this screen depends on the search parameters indicated in the fields above. This list displays the date, time, action, employee number, Customer ID/Account #, and form for each history item that matches the indicated parameters. See below for more information about these parameters.


hmtoggle_arrow1IRS GOLD History search parameters


Select a history item in the top list to view additional information about the item in the History Item Detail list view at the bottom of this screen. This list displays the date, time, action, employee number of the person who made the changes, customer number/account number, the form number, the field name that was changed (the mnemonic of the field), a description of the field (the field title), the number of times (other than one) the field is displayed on that form, what the previous data was before the change was made, and what the new data is now displayed in that field since the change.


There is no afterhours report for IRS GOLD history, only this online screen.


See Also:

Forms screen

Mass Delete screen

Reports for Investors screen



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