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Dealer System

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Dealer System

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Dealer Information Retrieval


CMP: 11391
Work Order: 55605


CIM GOLD version 7.20.3


Note: This release is for a specific institution.

We have updated how CIM GOLD retrieves dealer information for the Account Detail, Purchase Disclosure, and other screens that display dealer information for a specific institution. Now CIM GOLD checks to see whether your institution uses the Dealer System or the Dealer Setup and then retrieves the dealer information (dealer name, plan number, and plan description) from the appropriate system. This ensures that the information for the dealer plan is consistent throughout all CIM GOLD, GOLDTrak PC, and eGOLDTrak.


Note: This release is for a specific institution.


Dealer Information on the Loan > Account Information > Dealer Information Screen

Dealer Information on the Loan > Account Information > Dealer Information Screen




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