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Customer Relationship Management

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Customer Relationship Management

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Zip Code Update

Social Security Number Changes Now Searchable

Delete Checkbox Fields Added to Special Instructions

Enhancements to General Information Screen: Household Search, Household Comments, Access Without Selected Household

New ZIP Code Lookup Screen





Zip Code Update


CMP: 7583


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.2

The system has been updated to require users to enter a Zip code when adding new addresses on the Address tab of the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen. If a valid Zip code has not been added, the system displays an error-provider icon errorprovider next to the address and users cannot save changes until a valid Zip code is added.


The system ensures Zip codes match city names. See the following example of this error:



Social Security Number Changes Now Searchable


CMP: 1766, 2714, 2423, 3096, 7186, 7678, 7995, 9135


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.1 and 7.9.3

Changing a Social Security number of a person already created in our system now causes the system to display the following message:




If users click <Yes> on this message screen, that account will then be recorded on the new Social Change screen now available under Customer Relationship Management in CIM GOLD. This new screen monitors the progress of changing a customer's Social Security number in the system (see example below).


The list view on the Social Change screen displays all Social Security number changes that were previously completed or are currently processing in the system. An item will appear in this table when a customer’s Social Security number information is changed in CIM GOLD.


The table displays the Old Social and New Social values in the change, as well as the Run Date and Start Time for the beginning of the SSN change process. If the process has been complete, an End Time will be displayed. The table also displays any errors that occurred during the change process, as well as the Process Status of the change at the time this screen was accessed.




In order to use this new screen, your institution's security administrator will need to subscribe to the screen through the Security > Subscribe to Mini-Applications screen. Additionally, the security setting for that screen must be enabled to either Inquire or Maintain for all users who should have access to that screen through the Security > Setup screen, then select the employee who should have access, then set their security on the CIM GOLD tab, then under Customer Relationship Management > Social Change.


Note: When this CMP was originally advertised in the February 2017 Update, it said this change would be compatible with CIM GOLD version 8.0. We have moved this release down to CIM GOLD version 7.9.


Customer Relationship Management > Social Change Screen

Customer Relationship Management > Social Change Screen




Delete Checkbox Fields Added to Special Instructions


CMP: 5195

Work Order: 49360


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.1

Checkbox fields have been added to the Special Instructions tab on the Deposit > Account Information > Restriction & Warnings screen to make the process of deleting override levels and special instructions easier (see below).


To delete specific override levels and their special instructions, select the corresponding checkbox fields on the right of the screen (under the Delete label) and click <Delete>. All override levels and special instructions with a marked checkbox will then be deleted. Click <Delete All> to delete all override levels and special instructions without using the checkbox fields.


Deposits > Account Information > Restrictions & Warnings Screen > Special Instructions Tab

Deposits > Account Information > Restrictions & Warnings Screen > Special Instructions Tab




Enhancements to General Information Screen: Household Search, Household Comments, Access Without Selected Household


CMP: 5198, 5202, 6230, 9700

Work Orders: 39225, 49361


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.1

Several enhancements have been made to the Customer Relationship Management > General Information screen. The new features on this screen are as follows:



A Household search field has been added to the top of the screen (see below). This field can be used to indicate a specific household (attached to the customer) to display information for on this screen. To do this, simply enter a household number in the field and click <Search>. If the household number is valid, that household's information will appear in the fields on this screen. Use this field when the selected customer has multiple households attached to their name. If you are unsure what household numbers are attached to the selected customer, use the Household(s) field on the Summary tab to view a list of available household numbers. This field is visible regardless of which tab is selected on the screen (see 1 in Figure 1 below).


The new Accounts to Display field group at the top of the Accounts and Summary tabs can be used to limit the type of accounts whose information is displayed on those tabs. If the All Accounts radio button in this field group is marked, all accounts connected to the selected customer (specifically for the indicated household, if the new Household search field is in use) will be displayed. If the Select Accounts radio button is marked instead, you can filter what accounts appear on these tabs by marking the checkbox fields for the account types you want displayed. Possible filters are: Deposit Open, Deposit Closed, Savings, Certificate, Checking, Retirement, Loan Open, and Loan Closed accounts (see 2 in Figure 1 below).


A new list view has been added to the Accounts tab underneath the new Accounts to Display field group. This list view displays the total balance, institution balance, LOC limit, receivable fees, and accrued amounts for all Deposit and Loan accounts matching the criteria indicated in that field group (see 3 in Figure 1 below).


In the Household/Multiple Borrower field group on the Summary tab, the Household(s) field can now be used to indicate the desired household by selecting from a list of available households. Once a household is selected, that household number appears in the new Household search field. Then, a search can be conducted as explained in the first bullet point above and the indicated household’s information will appear in the Summary Information list view. The new Household search field can be manually entered, but this option allows the user to select a household from a list rather than typing the household number from memory (see 4 in Figure 2 below).


If a specific household is designated for viewing on the Summary tab, the Household Comments text box at the bottom of that tab will become available for editing. Household comments are now assigned by household, which is why the comment entry text box will not be available unless a specific household is designated (using the fields discussed in previous bullet points). Household comments can be viewed, edited, and deleted from this tab (see 5 in Figure 2 below).


In addition to these changes, programming has been implemented to allow users to access the Summary tab of this screen without a Household number selected.


Figure 1: Customer Relationship Management > General Information Screen > Accounts Tab

Figure 1: Customer Relationship Management > General Information Screen > Accounts Tab


Figure 2: Customer Relationship Management > General Information Screen > Summary Tab

Figure 2: Customer Relationship Management > General Information Screen > Summary Tab




New ZIP Code Lookup Screen


CMP: 5945, 7173


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.3

The ZIP Code Lookup screen is now available under Customer Relationship Management in CIM GOLD.


Use this screen to look up ZIP code, name, state, and county information about an indicated US city.


Three entry fields are available on this screen: City Name, State, and ZIP Code.


Enter a City Name and click <Search> to see all ZIP codes associated with the indicated city in the list view below.


Enter a ZIP Code and click <Search> to see the names of all cities associated with the indicated ZIP code in the list view below.


If necessary, enter a State code alongside a City Name and/or ZIP Code to narrow the parameters of the system search performed when <Search> is clicked. State codes cannot be searched by themselves and require at least one more entry field.


Customer Relationship Management > ZIP Code Lookup Screen

Customer Relationship Management > ZIP Code Lookup Screen



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