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Reserve Disbursement Extension RE

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Reserve Disbursement Extension RE

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This section of the GOLDWriter Mnemonic Dictionary provides the CIM GOLD source location details for GOLDWriter field mnemonics within the Reserve Disbursement RE record. This record can also be viewed by manually entering "CSRE" in the text portion of the Master Record field (as explained in the first step of the GOLDWriter Report Wizard process).


The Loan LN master record can be accessed underneath this record in the GOLDWriter Report Wizard tree view.




This table is organized alphabetically by field Mnemonic.




CIM GOLD Field Location



Account Number




Auto Comp Coverage

Coverage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Auto Comp Deductible

Deductible field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Auto Collison Deductible

Deductible field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Has Auto Collision

Collision field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Has Auto Comp

Comprehensive field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Auto Collision Coverage

Coverage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Ins Agent Address

Address field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

50 alphanumeric characters


Insurance Agent City

City field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

20 alphanumeric characters


Agent Name

Name field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

25 alphanumeric characters


Insurance Agent Phone

Phone field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

14 numeric characters


Ins Agent State Abbr

State field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

2 alphabetic characters


Insurance Agent Zip

Zip field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

10 numeric characters


Auto Liability Coverage

Coverage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Auto Liability Deductible

Deductible field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Has Auto Liability

Liability field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Amount Of Taxes Paid

Amount Paid field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Auto Phys Coverage

Coverage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Has Auto Phys Damage

Physical Damage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Ins Company Address

Address field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager screen

50 alphanumeric characters


Insurance Company City

City field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

20 alphanumeric characters


Insurance Company Name

Name field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

25 alphanumeric characters


Ins Company State Abbr

State field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

2 alphabetic characters


Insurance Company Zip

Zip field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

10 numeric characters


Ins Dwelling Cov Amt

Dwelling Coverage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Date Recvd From Agent

Date Received from Agent field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

8 numeric characters


Date Taxes Paid

Date Paid field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

8 numeric characters


Endsmt Received

Endorsement Received on Dwelling Coverage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Has Fire Insurance

Fire Insurance field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Has Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Ins Cont Of Dwelling




Insurance Doc Type

Type of Verification field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

20 alphanumeric characters


Ins Escrd On 1 Mort

Insurance Escrowed on 1st Mortgage field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Ins Other Description

Other field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

17 alphanumeric characters


Insurance Has Other

Other field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Insurance Type Bits




Policy Eff From Date

Effective From field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

8 numeric characters


Policy Eff To date


8 numeric characters


Premium Paid Until

Premium Paid Until field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

8 numeric characters


Cf Property Sequence

Property field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

4 numeric characters


Renewal Date




Sequence Number




Expiration Date

Effective to field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

6 numeric characters


1st Status Flag




Status Flags




Site Value

Site Value field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Tax Prev Years Due

Previous Years Due field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

13 numeric characters


Tax Prev Yrs Outstanding

Previous Years Outstanding field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

20 alphanumeric characters


Tax Paid County

Paid County field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager screen

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Tax Paid City

Paid City field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Tax Month Year Mmyy

Tax Month/Year field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

8 numeric characters


Tax Paid Prior Years

Paid Prior Years field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager and Tracking Insurance screens

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)


Vehicle Id Number 1

Insured Vehicle field on the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager screen

30 alphanumeric characters


Waived Insurance

Waived Insurance field on the Loans > Insurance > Tracking Insurance screen

Checkbox (0=No, 1=Yes)

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