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Setting Up GOLD EventLetters (Deposits)

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Setting Up GOLD EventLetters (Deposits)

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To use the GOLD EventLetters system, you need to set up merge-letter templates on your PC using the Microsoft Word® Mail Merge function, and link them to a data source file. The data file is created in the afterhours process using GOLDPoint Systems’s host computer. The data file is a result of either automatic events occurring on one or several accounts, or a result of user-requested events.


An event occurs when a pre-defined event affects an account or when you manually request an event letter. Some examples are when a CD account matures, a change of address, or a new account opening. Up to 255 events can be created this way, with each event having a possibility of 255 letters. Currently, the following events have been defined and are available in the Deposit GOLD EventLetter Processing (see Deposit Event Descriptions for a full description of each event). See the Tying Data Source Files to Event Letters help for more information.


Event #






Interest Postings
Dormant Accounts
Inactive Accounts
Account Renewals
Safe Deposit Box Billing (Daily)

Safe Deposit Box Billing (Monthly)
Safe Deposit Box Past Due
Account Holds Expiration Dates (Daily, Monthly)
MMDA Limit Exceeded
W-8 Form Expiration
W-4P Notification
Required Minimum Distribution
Club Account Payouts
Address Change

Check Stop Payment
70 ½ During Current Year

Account Hold Effective Dates
Account Maturities
Account Escheatment
Safe Deposit Box Escheatment
Negative Balance Accounts
New Accounts
Closed Accounts
Excessive Returns


Note: Additional events can be identified and merged with user-created databases. This process is described in the Copying to Event Letter Files help.


Once the event letter templates have been set up with merge fields that match their corresponding data file, all that is left to do is merge the data file and letter together. This is done using the GOLD EventLetters program. See Assigning Merge Letters to Events for more information.


The following event fields are currently available for use:


Event Date
Event Number
Event Letter
Account Office
Account Number
Amount Due
Box Branch Number
Box Number
Check Digit
Due Date
Formatted Account
IRS Owner Title
IRS Owner Name
IRS Owner Suffix
Mail Address Line 1
Mail Address Line 2
Mail Address City
Mail Address ZIP
Mail Address ZIP 4
Label Line 1
Label Line 2
Label Line 3
Label Line 4
Label Line 5
Label Line 6
Last Activity Date
IRS Owner First Name
IRS Owner Middle Name
IRS Owner Last Name
1st Owner First Name
1st Owner Middle Name
1st Owner Last Name
2nd Owner First Name
2nd Owner Middle Name
2nd Owner Last Name
3rd Owner First Name
3rd Owner Middle Name
3rd Owner Last Name
Amt of Last Deposit
Amt of Last Withdrawal
Anticipated Balance
Base Rate
Bonus Expiration Date
Bonus Rate
Book Balance

Closing Reason Club

Club Payout Freq
Club Payout Holdback
Current Balance
Cycle High Balance
Cycle Low Balance
Cycle Start Date
Date Acct Went Neg
Date Closed
Date Int Last Paid
Date Last Return
Date Last W4 Notif
Date of Last ACH
Date of Last ATM
Date of Last Deposit
Date of Last WD
Date Opened
Deposit Type
Dormancy Date
End of YR Balance
Escheatment Date
Federal WH Amount
Fed WH Fixed Amount
Fed WH Percentage

General Category
Grace End Date
Hold Action Code
Hold Action Eff Date
Hold Action Exp Date
Inactive Date
Interest Rate
Last Activity Date
Last Cust Contact Date
Last Mat Roll Date
Last Overdraft Date
Last Srvc Chrg Date
Last Tran Date
Limit Checks in Cyc
Ltd Returned ACH
Ltd Returned Checks
Ltd Returned Items
Maturity Date
Maximum Rate
Minimum Balance
Minimum Rate
Monthend Balance
Negative Bal Limit
Next Maturity Date
Next Product Code
No Checks This Cyc

No WD Cycle
No Xfer Cycle
Nxt Cycle Start Date
OD Fee Pcnt Of Xfer
Officer Code
Old Account Number
Opening Balance
OTC Checks in Cycle
Overdraft Fee Code
Overdraft Amt Code
Overdraft Inc Amt

Payout Date
Plan Number
Product Code
Product Code Desc
Rate Offset
Reason Charge Waived
Returned ACH Cyc
Returned Chks Cycle
Secured Account (This will print X’s based on your institution’s account number option. The last four digits of the account number will display, as will the check digit.)
Source of Funds
Srvc Chrg Eff Date
State WH Amount
State WH Fixed Amnt
State WH Min Amount
State WH Percentage
Sub Category
Term Type
Transaction Amount
Transaction Date
Transaction Desc
Transfers in Last Yr
Transfers Out Lst Yr
Uncollected Funds
W8 Expiration Date
YTD Interest
YTD Int Prior Yr
YTD Returned ACH
YTD Returned Checks
YTD Penalty
YTD Service Chrgs
YTD Transfers In
YTD Transfers Out


After the letters have been merged, GOLD EventLetters allows you to preview the event letters before you print them. You can choose to print all the letters at once or print selected letters.


GOLD EventLetters will save the event letters to the "HAVE BEEN PRINTED" folder on your PC hard drive. The letters will stay there until you move them into the "ARCHIVED EVENTS" folder or delete them. Both folders are installed on the PC at the same time the program is installed.


Note: For more information concerning the set up of deposit event letters, please refer to the GOLD EventLetters Setup Procedures help.


Secondly, the Deposit GOLD EventLetter Report (FPSDR500) needs to be set up to generate the event records. Job Control Language (JCL) also needs to be added to the afterhours. A work order must be sent to GOLDPoint Systems to have the report and JCL set up for your institution.


GOLD EventLetters will automatically delete event records more than seven days old and event records created the same day when a re-run occurs, and write an account file maintenance record for each event.




Back to Deposit Event Descriptions


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